I want to start writing short story's again for fun!

Favorite Books- Last Exit to Brooklyn, Catch 22, Hundred Years of Solitude, Underworld (Don Delillo), Less than Zero, Infinite Jest, Naked Lunch, The Bell jar
  • Twin Peaks
  • Дата регистрацииJuly 21, 2013


Истории от SGDEAKIN
Icebreaker от SGDEAKIN
Non Fiction: My experience of group facilitation games.
Good Apple от SGDEAKIN
Good Apple
What type of man turns up to a apple picking job in an old Tom Ford suit?
Collecting Egg Shells (Short Story) от SGDEAKIN
Collecting Egg Shells (Short Story)
Short Story of a young woman who winds up in trouble when she has a strange basket of eggs delivered to her h...