Hello my dear followers I have been inactive for well years I am coming back but I'm not sure if I'm going to write anything just yet, also I apologize again for my terrible absolutely horrible grammar and spelling issues I know they suck and I'm now not so "bad" I am going to attempt to think of something for "war of the damned" soon...ish I have work but I am going to say that the story dead end for you will here by on long term halt due to me not being exactly comfortable with how it may go next even though I made it I need to think though have a good day
          	Sincerely Shadowmore 


Hello my dear followers I have been inactive for well years I am coming back but I'm not sure if I'm going to write anything just yet, also I apologize again for my terrible absolutely horrible grammar and spelling issues I know they suck and I'm now not so "bad" I am going to attempt to think of something for "war of the damned" soon...ish I have work but I am going to say that the story dead end for you will here by on long term halt due to me not being exactly comfortable with how it may go next even though I made it I need to think though have a good day
          Sincerely Shadowmore 


Hello my dear readers I'm gonna be going over my stories again to look for errors and direct them as I go so please be patient also I know my grammar sucks at times but I'm trying my best at least I'm improving right haha anyways enjoy your holidays and happy new year 
          Sincerely Shadowmore 
          Returning in 2018


To my dear followers and reader I am sorry I have not been posting much I will simply put it in a very few and easy words I have been to busy with school and everything I am deeply sorry please remember I will post when I get the chance 


It would seem that m vest story is dead end for yui Ok so there's gonna be a vote now of which story should end for a while till the other is done so ere are the choices 
          Dead end for yui
          War of the damned souls 
          That's it which one should I wait to continue I need your feed back guys please I only have time for one with school and all that so yeah thanks for reading and please I need an answer soon


@SHADOWMORE but yet again i like dead end for yui 


@SHADOWMORE its my favorite so far


@SHADOWMORE war of the damned souls


HELLLOOO MY BEAUTIFUL SHADOWLINGS How have you all been hm? Good I hope so I have noticed that there are more readers then actual followers why is that? Well anyways tis announcement is one asking for you all to please recommend to your friends and followers to please check me out I would really appreciate it if you did that for me now I know i sound desperate and I partially am but I just want people to see my stuff the good ones and the not so good ones so please if it's not to !much of a hassle just give me a shout out and you might be surprised from what happens if you do so thank you all for reading my stories poetry shadownore out