hey guys i decided Nekons needed a reboot i feel you guys deserve better than how i wrote it when i was Young Shadow is back and i am hoping you guys will forgive me for my absence and give my reboot a try im open to criticism  as always and as always i hope you guys enjoy the story


Guys i have started a Youtube channel and twitch channel i wpuld love to have the support you guys have given me here my channel is 
          WOLF_GOD_GAMING for youtube and
          Wolf_God_Gaming for twitch please subscribe or check out the channel i would love the support which i have recieved here and i plan to write more soon my channel has its custom red and white wolf logo if your interested if you aubscribe to me from here please tell me your name on Youtube or Twitch ill do a shout out to you and again guys i would love your support on there as well as the continued support here i apreciate all the messages i get in my pm asking for me to continue and i promise i will write more along with my gaming videos im going to start editing my videos soon as well