Happy Geeta Jayanti everyone!❤
          	Also Happy Tulsi Puja !❤
          	And and! Happy Vaikunth Eksdashi!❤❤


Hello everyone.
          I have seen some people bashing and using slangs for those who ship draukarn or ardi . Like why? It's there very own opinion why does that even bother you? And plus if they are writing fanfics about them then what's wrong in that? 
          They are writing it under "Historical Fiction" and that literally means fictional stories realted to history. And even in the book's introduction they always write "Fiction work or imagination".
          If we write only those thing which are already there then there are many books on them? We like to write something different and that doesn't mean we are disrespecting the epic or we are sinners!
          We are not writing those and saying that it is true....we are saying they are fictional ones! And also wattpad is a place to write stories and so are we. 
          Please stop disrespecting other people and spreaing hate!


@History__Lover1234 Yes I thought that it was wrong but now I think if they are not critisizing any other character or writing in historical fiction then nothing is wrong in there.