i will pay someone to write a jade harley x reader why is there none on wattpad


 Dunno was searching for it too


:3 I love your stories. If I get more info I might RP w/ you. If you still want to (ps. Karkat would totally top pss. Johnkat is my OTP)


I'm Katnip!
            That's awesome! I love my OTP so freaking hard but I also ship a few other things, mainly Erisol Johndave Gamtav Dirkjake. Any of those would be damn fine on my list! :D


@CrazyKatten09lives omg stranger who are you yes i shall let us be friends i regret not going on here in forever


I MUST RP JOHNKAT YES I AM AWARE IT IS ALLMOST 1;00 IN THE MORNING GUSSE WHO DOESNT CARE I will seriously do just about any thing if someone rps with me ANYTHING pleassssssssseeeeeeee (karkat tops you can not convince me other wise) irjfuerhjgfuiwerhguwehrguht FLUFF LEMON EVEN KINKY STUFF YOUR CALL JUST PLLLLEEEAASSSEEE MY INER HOMESTUCK IS MURDER MY SOUL (lol what soul I sold it to hussie)