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šššš°š½š¶š“š šš·šøš½š¶š ( Finn Wolfhardš¤¤)
"š'šµšµ š¼š½šŖš»š® šš²š»š®š¬š½šµš šŖš½ š½š±š® š¼š¾š· š«š¾š½ š·š®šæš®š» š²š· š½š±š® š¶š²š»š»šøš»"
Dear Chandler,
I'm still in shock as I write this,It's hard to believe that you are gone, but you will live on forever in our hearts.As the world mourns today, I realised what impact you had on millions of people around the world, from children to adults you have connected with people beyond generations.Thank you for making me laugh and cry. Thank you for setting high standards of how to be a good boyfriend/husband.Thank you for being the best friend anyone can ask for.Those who know me, know the fact that you have been my favourite. I always try to bring that Chandler humour and sarcasm and entertain people the way you did. when people tell me that you have a great sense of humour just like Chandler Bing that's the best and biggest compliment for me. I don't want to believe that you are not here with us anymore,but i promise we will take your legacy forward and tell the upcoming generations about a man who redefined humour and sarcasm.
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- Depression
- JoinedDecember 30, 2022
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Oct 25, 2024 08:19PM
Dear Liam,its been nine days since you left, and you would think it would get easier for me. Turns out, its getting harder and harder. l was not ready for this liam,no one was. i miss you,please ple...View all Conversations