goodnight my loves ✨


hola cielo, esto es spam:c y si te molesta lo borramos:)
          me pase por aquí para preguntarte si te podrías pasar por nuestra novela; la podras encontrar en mi perfil. es muke.
          podrías dejar un voto⭐
          o un comentario✏✏
          y también compartirla ↖↔☝
          nos ayudaría mucho, y gracias por tu tiempo. espero no haber molestado, dado un problema o estorbar☺❤
          adiós cariño❤/•\ 


this message may be offensive
I feel ya. I'm a little strong for a girl and people always doubt me and stuff. They are always like! "You can't do that." or "Only guys are allowed to do this kind of thing." and it annoys the shit out of me. Excuse my language but it's true. I mean no u don't have a job but still it's not always about the job. You don't have to have a job to be insulted by guys if you know what I mean.