
Guys so a little update. 
          	I haven’t been writing much lately and honestly I miss it- like I used to love writing for Borrowed Time and even the Shadow of Silver, and I want to finish the latter. But... I don’t know, back then I was in a better place of mind and stuff so I don’t even know if I can. But I’ll try. What I’m saying is I think I’m going to be continuing my Shadow of Silver book. That’s all. 
          	Have a great day!


Guys so a little update. 
          I haven’t been writing much lately and honestly I miss it- like I used to love writing for Borrowed Time and even the Shadow of Silver, and I want to finish the latter. But... I don’t know, back then I was in a better place of mind and stuff so I don’t even know if I can. But I’ll try. What I’m saying is I think I’m going to be continuing my Shadow of Silver book. That’s all. 
          Have a great day!


Hey guys so about my book the Shadow of Silver... I’d written a lot of chapters beforehand and I released them all today because I honestly didn’t even have time to publish them so I’d really appreciate it if you could check them out!
          Have a great day!


Positivity chain!
          If you get this you have to publicly state five things you like about yourself and send this to ten of your favourite followers :)


Woah I didn’t see this for a while and I am so sorry but ANYWAY let’s see... I love the fact that I am:
            WOAH THIS IS HARD
            -always trying to find new hobbies
            -always trying to make something for other people
            -always trying to get involved in what’s going on around me 
            -always trying to make everyone around me happy 
            -always trying to become a better person 


Okay guys, two things. My summer vacation JUST started (well, like three days ago, but those were a weekend so), and therefore I'll be able to post a lot more. I will update my Book Reviews book, don't worry. Also, I just posted the first chapter of a new book I've been working on for so long. It is fanfic, it's a crossover between The Selection and Harry Potter, so please, if you're interested, go check it out. 


So, guys, I just published my book of book reviews- though I can promise it does have a better title. If I were on my laptop, I’d paste a link here, but I’m on my phone, so, sadly, I can’t. If y’all could check it out, I’d be very grateful, but I thank you even just for taking the time to read this message. The credits of he amazing cover go to the equally as amazing @new_mani so please go check her out. 


@SJMbooks4life  yesh ik, but I can't imagine surbhivore with a phone