@Lyn_Mikel what do you mean what time at my place? and i am exactly like minho to. and if you need to know anything else i am not one of those people who are like "that is personal information"
@Lyn_Mikel sorry that was really cheesy oh and one question if you were to be like a maze runner character who are you most like oh and can you add me in your book it is ok if you do not you probably have a lot going on but..... sorry i i got off track if you need a discription i am 5'2 you can make me as tall as i would be if i were in your book i have blue eyes that turn silver and green matters on my emotion i have mostly brunette hair but there is also red and blond and i am white not to be racist i have a lot of scars so i am not all white skinned and pearly and my style is more of umm a tomboy or basically jeans and a t-shirt boots or brand shoes like converse or vans or something. again it is ok if you do not put me in and if you want me to have a romance with someone it doesn't matter I LOVE ALL OF THE CHARACTERS besides the girls of course sorry if this is asking of to much Goodnight!