Currently editing most of my books, so if your phone is getting blown up with constant notifications, it's me, not your hoes, jkjk, but um, yeah, I'll be doing that.
          	I'm doing it to get a refresh on me writing even though I remember literally every chapter of each book. (The only exceptions to that are those cringeworthy books in my drafts. But nobody needs to see those.)
          	So, I updated:
          	• LOVE EXCUSES, (typo checks, added numbers to chapters, and added/published new chapter.)
          	Currently working on:
          	• INSTINCT (typo checks, adding numbers to chapters, working on new chapter once I do everything else.)
          	Will be working on (In near future): Water's Memory, MHA Mini-Ship Shots, LOVE EXCUSES, INSTINCT, and What's It Like Being A Hero.
          	^(Most of these are new books/projects, so it may take me a while, but I'm planning to actually get somewhere with these like how I did with WILD.) (To clarify, will be working on everything I said I was working on from the other lists.)


Currently editing most of my books, so if your phone is getting blown up with constant notifications, it's me, not your hoes, jkjk, but um, yeah, I'll be doing that.
          I'm doing it to get a refresh on me writing even though I remember literally every chapter of each book. (The only exceptions to that are those cringeworthy books in my drafts. But nobody needs to see those.)
          So, I updated:
          • LOVE EXCUSES, (typo checks, added numbers to chapters, and added/published new chapter.)
          Currently working on:
          • INSTINCT (typo checks, adding numbers to chapters, working on new chapter once I do everything else.)
          Will be working on (In near future): Water's Memory, MHA Mini-Ship Shots, LOVE EXCUSES, INSTINCT, and What's It Like Being A Hero.
          ^(Most of these are new books/projects, so it may take me a while, but I'm planning to actually get somewhere with these like how I did with WILD.) (To clarify, will be working on everything I said I was working on from the other lists.)


So, some news.
          I finally got a job! 
          It's my first one, and it's a full-time job.
          I work from 2:30 pm to 11 pm at night. It's tiring, but it's okay, cause I get paid good.
          So, my update schedule (aka, my lack of one) is changing a bit. I'm might update tonight, since my weekend is open and free. So look out for that, and sorry for my lack of updates and such, I'm still getting used to my job.


I haven't been publishing anything, and it's because I'm kinda in a weird place rn when it comes to my writing, because I want to keep creating more stories and stuff and so that would mean more writing, which I don't mind at all, but I don't know if I should keep making more new stories when I already have two in progress and one I'm making extra chapters for... I'll try to figure out what I wanna do soon but it might take some time, sorry if any of you have been waiting for new chapters from any of my books.


Guess who is finally(possibly) gonna update WILD after so many months ?
          Me, of course. Who else would it be ?
          No but really, I was meaning to get the Jeongin chapter out around the time when it was his birthday, but then I forgot about it because there was a lot happening in my personal life (nothing to bad, I promise) but, yeah and then after forgetting I would go back and forth from adding stuff to the chapter then having a big (and unfortunate) ton of writers block. But even after I felt like I was out of that writers block, I started my Hyunlix HeroAU story, and just kept pushing off the Jeongin bday chapter, and it's been months and Changbin's birthday is coming up, but I've already done a little bday chapter for him so I was thinking of making a smaller chapter with a bit of chaos, fluff, and not to many words to keep the writing flow going before I do the Jilix twins bday things, along with a little something for Seungmin (I consider him a triplet, even if his birthday isn't as close to the Jilix babies) but yeah... after putting of the bday chapter I can hopefully get it done soon before August.


I'm going to try to publish more chapters for the Hyunlix book, and hopefully some b-day chapters for the members on my completed book WILD.
          I'm saying that now but I'd like to inform you that it may be a few days of me not writing (usually even when I don't publish things for weeks or every few days I'm either editing or writing a chapter that hasn't been released) but yesterday I dropped my phone and the screen cracked A LOT, I can still type because I can see the letters but it's dangerous because the keyboard is where most of the screen is cracked, so I don't want to risk getting cut at all.
          I should have a new phone in a little under a week but I wanted to tell you all of that up there ^^^ because it could be a little longer than that, that I am without my phone.