My account keeps getting logged out, I have no clue why, it just does. I may have to change my password or something along those lines to stop it from happening. 


I’m very much still here jtlyk, I just haven’t been writing, I come on here for a few minutes and then leave and I feel terrible, because I know there are people that genuinely like to read my stories, I’ve just been struggling with writing lately. It’s like my creativity switch got turned off. I’m sorry. 


I'm taking a little break from writing until I feel motivated by something, I usually get chapter ideas easily but lately it's been really hard to get my creative juices flowing, I'm sorry if I've disappointed any of you guys with the lack of chapters/updates.


For the new chapter of INSTINCT, I never thought I'd put something like that (read to find out what) into the plot, but it can always be changed, I won't be mad if someone disagrees. 
          Then again, I can just make two different versions of the chapters, one including the new addition to the plot and the original one I was going to put instead of this one (that would remove Hongjoong and Seonghwa from the scene completely.) 
          But if anyone, and I mean ANYONE disagrees, I'll change it immediately no questions asked, and if anyone would like the alternative version, just ask and I may release alternatives at a later date if I please.
          To anyone who reads this, thank you for taking the time to do so :3 and sorry I wrote so much, I just felt the need to explain. I also really like typing- so yeah- lmao. Sorry, ;)


I know nobody really reads these, even if I do have followers, but I've been having an up and down kind of time/life, and sometimes it's kinda hard to write some chapters to some stories, it's not like a writing rut/block, but it's mostly due to depression, and sometimes it's hard to get chapters out, especially since when I do write chapters during those times the chapters end up either: 1. Stupid, 2. Rushed, 3. Angsty.
          So I'm sorry, I'm still releasing chapters and stuff, but it's gonna only be on my good days, you'll know when those are if a chapter is released ❤


@howdoienterwtf thanks and no worries, I really appreciate your kind words ❤.


Currently editing most of my books, so if your phone is getting blown up with constant notifications, it's me, not your hoes, jkjk, but um, yeah, I'll be doing that.
          I'm doing it to get a refresh on me writing even though I remember literally every chapter of each book. (The only exceptions to that are those cringeworthy books in my drafts. But nobody needs to see those.)
          So, I updated:
          • LOVE EXCUSES, (typo checks, added numbers to chapters, and added/published new chapter.)
          Currently working on:
          • INSTINCT (typo checks, adding numbers to chapters, working on new chapter once I do everything else.)
          Will be working on (In near future): Water's Memory, MHA Mini-Ship Shots, LOVE EXCUSES, INSTINCT, and What's It Like Being A Hero.
          ^(Most of these are new books/projects, so it may take me a while, but I'm planning to actually get somewhere with these like how I did with WILD.) (To clarify, will be working on everything I said I was working on from the other lists.)


So, some news.
          I finally got a job! 
          It's my first one, and it's a full-time job.
          I work from 2:30 pm to 11 pm at night. It's tiring, but it's okay, cause I get paid good.
          So, my update schedule (aka, my lack of one) is changing a bit. I'm might update tonight, since my weekend is open and free. So look out for that, and sorry for my lack of updates and such, I'm still getting used to my job.