
The following changes have occurred to the works on this account:
          	-Unpublished Crabstick
          	Reason: I had committed countless cases of art theft during the writing of this story. Many artworks were used without permission, so it would be best to unpublish the whole book and republish it after all corrections have been made.
          	-Blanked the covers for the following stories: 
          	> Her Dad is Hell Ember
          	> Forgotten Core
          	> Tara's Tall Tales
          	> Brawlloween Horrors
          	> Identity V Chat Book
          	> A Brawl Stars Chat Book
          	Reason: Similar to the reason for unpublishing Crabstick, the covers of the stories mentioned above had used artworks without proper permission from the artists or properly crediting the artists. Essentially, I had committed art theft during the creation of the covers of those stories. 
          	-Wait, SK Tiger is posting something?
          	I figured it was about damn time I took responsibility for the shameful acts that I had committed in the past, and that the actions taken above are long overdue. Art theft is a serious problem that causes aspiring artists to fall into obscurity. It is simply heartbreaking to watch some random stranger claim the credit for the creations that the artist poured their heart and soul into. I had committed this act and was not corrected for my actions back then, as at the time when I was active on this platform and community it was considered as the norm. It should not have been normalised to begin with. 
          	-So what happens now? 
          	The blanked covers would remain as such until I create new artworks or covers for them.
          	-Wait, this story still has some uncredited/unsourced artwork.
          	Please comment on the chapter/story concerned and I will take action as soon as possible.
          	-Don't you have anything else to say?
          	Plenty, but the 2000 character limit is catching up to me, and what I wish to say concerns much more things than these announcements would allow. A full statement would hopefully be completed within this week, though don't expect anything too professional.


I respect the passion


The following changes have occurred to the works on this account:
          -Unpublished Crabstick
          Reason: I had committed countless cases of art theft during the writing of this story. Many artworks were used without permission, so it would be best to unpublish the whole book and republish it after all corrections have been made.
          -Blanked the covers for the following stories: 
          > Her Dad is Hell Ember
          > Forgotten Core
          > Tara's Tall Tales
          > Brawlloween Horrors
          > Identity V Chat Book
          > A Brawl Stars Chat Book
          Reason: Similar to the reason for unpublishing Crabstick, the covers of the stories mentioned above had used artworks without proper permission from the artists or properly crediting the artists. Essentially, I had committed art theft during the creation of the covers of those stories. 
          -Wait, SK Tiger is posting something?
          I figured it was about damn time I took responsibility for the shameful acts that I had committed in the past, and that the actions taken above are long overdue. Art theft is a serious problem that causes aspiring artists to fall into obscurity. It is simply heartbreaking to watch some random stranger claim the credit for the creations that the artist poured their heart and soul into. I had committed this act and was not corrected for my actions back then, as at the time when I was active on this platform and community it was considered as the norm. It should not have been normalised to begin with. 
          -So what happens now? 
          The blanked covers would remain as such until I create new artworks or covers for them.
          -Wait, this story still has some uncredited/unsourced artwork.
          Please comment on the chapter/story concerned and I will take action as soon as possible.
          -Don't you have anything else to say?
          Plenty, but the 2000 character limit is catching up to me, and what I wish to say concerns much more things than these announcements would allow. A full statement would hopefully be completed within this week, though don't expect anything too professional.


I respect the passion