
@electrikfeels I'M SORRY T^T i'm leaving my account up, might check it sometimes, but i just can't stand wattpad anymore :( SORRY
Reading Lists
I don't know if anyone will actually see this before I delete everything, but good bye everyone. I did my best here, but it wasn't enough apparently. Thanks for everything.
@lemonade243 thanks :) i'll miss you too as you were one of the few people who actually read it haha
@electrikfeels I'M SORRY T^T i'm leaving my account up, might check it sometimes, but i just can't stand wattpad anymore :( SORRY
@SKluvsCHEESE please continue your story elsewhere even if it isn't on this website
@lion6870 Thank you so much... for everything, really... I might post it there, except I hate incomplete stories and TLC is an incomplete story. Thanks for the advice. :)
I don't know if anyone will actually see this before I delete everything, but good bye everyone. I did my best here, but it wasn't enough apparently. Thanks for everything.
@lemonade243 thanks :) i'll miss you too as you were one of the few people who actually read it haha
Legend of Korra to some extent... can't help but agree ;)
@o0-DaMir-0o It really is a great story! Yeah, people tend to like stories with more chapters because it gives them more to get into, more to love. I myself enjoy longer books. Can't wait till you post more chapters, the story is already AMAZING! Yeah ikr! It shall forever remain a mystery... :P Yeah it was kind of sad that Aang liked Tenzin better than the others. It kind of makes sense, since Tenzin was also an airbender like Aang and Aang wanted to pass down all the techniques and traditions, but he should have paid more attention to Kya and Bumi. It seemed very unlike Aang, since he always tries to keep the peace and stuff. That's kinda sad, but I still ship it! XD XD XD YASS TENZIN IS SO AWKWARD I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING WHENEVER LIN AND TENZIN ARE IN A SCENE TOGETHER IT'S HILARIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL IT EVEN REMINDED ME OF ZUKO XD (although no one can compare to Zuko. Zuko is the best at awkwardness)
@SKluvsCHEESE Thanks!! It's so nice to hear that :) Really, you've no idea, you made my day. Haha, we'd like it if more people started reading, but perhaps when the amount of chapters grows, the amount of readers will too, in time. Yeah I often wonder where it comes from too. I think they're born with it? I mean, there's really no other logical explanation. Perhaps they received the power from the spirits. but a power called combustion bending doesn't sound very harmonious xD I was kind of disappointed with how they portrayed him. I remember a scene in which Bumi and Kya complained to Tenzin that when they were younger, they were never allowed to come with Aang and Tenzin on trips. That Aang favored Tenzin over the others :( I found that SO un-Aang. I think he'd make a great dad! Cheerful but serious when needed. (though it is hard to imagine him as a dad... He's a kid himself in ATLA and even more so: he acts like one) He would never prefer one child over the others :( YEAH!! I MISS... Linzin?Tenlin? auwch, looking at the ship name maybe they were not meant to be.. xD Scenes with Lin and Tenzin were my favorites of the series :) Just because they're both so much like their parents, Lin being tough and Tenzin being awkward. It resulted in actual humor and ATLA-like fun
@o0-DaMir-0o Yay I'm glad! The story is really good in just two parts already. Your book should get more recognition. :P :) Yeah, probably. OMG THAT'S TRUE IN A WEIRD WAY! LOL WAAT Same! Like there did that come from? Were they born with it? YEASSS! It was so beautiful and touching! I love seeing how Toph doesn't change :') Oh yeah that! That was pretty cool! Although honestly, if you watch ATLA (the original thing, not LOK) It's kind of hard to imagine him being a parent. Of course, LOK comes and defies all odds... XD Omg YASSSSSS LIN IS SO SUPER DUPER AWESOME!!! XD AND YEASSS I SHIPPED THAT SO HARD FOR SO MANY DAYS THEY WERE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER WHYY JUST WHYYYYY
@Ploffthewaterbender OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG that is so cool and weird at the same time!!!!!! only a very few people have the same obsessions as me!!!!!!!!!!
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