I think it's time I did make an announcement addressing the issue of dual users on this account.
For those of you who don't know, the account was first created along with a very good friend of mine and relayed to the initials 'S' on this account. Together, we wrote 'Make You Mine || [Oh Sehun]'. This was when we were in 12th grade. With our exams approaching, we decided to give the story and writing on Wattpad a break.
After the end of the examinations however, we sort of grew apart and the account was left unused for a while until I decided I'd continue writing here for obvious reasons being my love reading and writing KPOP fanfictions and also getting to interact with other amazing talents on this website, some of whom I've really grown close to.
In conclusion to this informant / rant, I'd like to bring to your notice that this account will be active and continued by the other half of the starting committee, me.
Thank you so much.
Love, M.