hi i don't know if anyone will see this but here i go,
          	as most of you have seen i have been inactive for about like more than one year(?), and that's because i've kinda lost motivation on this app and in writing fanfics in general.
          	so i'm here to say that i've stopped writing and i won't be publishing anymore works and will likely to not be in this app anymore.
          	however, i may just come in now and then just to read some people's books whenever i'm bored or if i feel like talking to some of y'all
          	but honestly though thank you so much for the support you've given me to my works (even though they were quite bad) and i've loved my time here but i guess its time to move on to other things.
          	i loved meeting people here but most of them probably forgot about me know so haha,,
          	if you do want to stay in contact with me i'm currently active the most on twitter and its @/miyasfilter i also have instagram which has the same username as my wattpad one but i don't use it a lot so dsfdsf
          	and also please take care and stay safe, drink lots of water and try to stay indoors as much as possible as we are currently in a pandemic right now
          	also side note: please don't dm me i don't answer those if you want to ask anything from me it would be better if you did it here in the conversation section and i'll try to answer them when i do come here
          	that's all i guess,,
          	thank you for everything ♡♡


@SOULPJM wattpad lost one amazing writer once again. i don’t remember your books but it must have been a reason i followed you. i hope you discover more things outside this app that you will enjoy. i will follow you on both twt and ig! take care and hope to talk to you! my twitter is @lattaekookies :))


oh noo :c wattpad has now lost one of it's amazing writers, but of course, we respect your decision. i know it's hard to keep up with all the updates and stuff, but we'll forever cherish you and your works. thank you, and we will all miss you. ❤️❤️ 


@SOULPJM I’ll never forget you PayPay ;-; I love you bby, and respect your decision. Thank you and I hope you take care and stay healthy and safe as well! ❤️❤️❤️❤️



Hello beloved, how are you?  I hope you are, I want to translate your fic "Yandere" into Portuguese, and if you allow me, I want to publish the Portuguese version of your fic in my account, I hope your day goes well.




@SOULPJM hehe! And ayeee nice! Ik it sucks to be busy Bc trust me I hate it, but I hope it all works out for u bby!! 


@Le_Mochi oh thats nice to hear!! i haven't been doing much tbh. just been busy with uni since i started my degree this year!


@SOULPJM EEK! I’ve been alright! I’ve been cooking a lot recently LMAO uhhh I’ve been procrastinating a lot which I need to stop doing 0.0
            Halloween wasn’t the same but that’s okayyy I already have a whole ass plan for next year w my friends AHAH! Recently applied for a job so I hope this all works out! Whatcha been up to? 