cigarette is gone because i was unhappy with everything tbh :/ but the plot of the story was that jenna started to smoke too because she looked back on her messages with jungkook and saw the he said 'smoking helps with problems'.
due to her being overly-obsessed with her love, she decided to follow the examples he had set.
but when jungkook found out about her one night stand, he was crushed. i mean, he did love her (he had a funny way of showing it eh)
soOoo kook started taking drugs. picture whatever type you can imagine jungkook taking lol
since jenna followed what jungkook did, she started taking drugs too.
in the end, jungkook was arrested for drug usage and jenna eventually died in a car crash because of her being high. pretty messed up.
but there was gonna be an alt ending where they both lived happily ever after kekeke
i might upload a similar story soon? i dunno ;)