So, I had a role play-
And yes, that sentence did sound wierd.
So, it took me on a emotional rollercoaster of some sort. That is something I always have, sí, sí, but I asked my role play partner if I could make it longer and make it book wise.
I just want to ask anyone who sees this if they would read it! I am not done with the role play, but I will start on it soon enough! If you are a very emotional person, like me, I honestly think you would enjoy this!
This book would be a good achievement of my life, and I would honestly love to write it, but I will only write it if people would read it! So please! Comment and say if you would or wouldn't. I will support anyone's opinion.
Also, in my only book right now, if you say yes, I will give you a small preview of somewhere in the story line.