
My friend, love to see this book on my reading list with regular updates and I read them as soon as  I get new updates. I have to say it's a masterpiece of sci fi realm. Love the addition of Hydrian mention in the stories. Spicy !! :D Respect to you .


@JustTheCoolGuy Haha! Those are three of my favorites as well. You will see more of all of them.


@SRCraven  colonel , admiral and ghost in that order are my favorite. I can imagine me  being like colonel as cranky as he is in future . 


@JustTheCoolGuy I just realized you've changed your username from what I knew it as. You were one of my first readers on this story! I'll always be grateful for that! Sorry I never got that prequel done, but you'll get to see some Hydra, as promised :)


Just stopped by to say hello. I'm assuming that after the holidays I'm going to get to read more Blood Impulse. (Hint hint).
                    Sincerely Thy Fan, Raven


@RavenRock2112 I'll send it to your shared account, that way your partner can have a look-see if he/she/they want.


@RavenRock2112 :) I've been working on finding some scenes (i.e. the funniest, profound...) you asked me about. I'll put it in a DM. No sense in leaving spoilers here for anyone who could (and SHOULD) go read your books.


@SRCraven P. S.  Nice chapter. Is it cheating if I voted twice? Lol


Hello SR, this is my main account.
          I sometimes forget when I am on the -NikaRave- account.
                       Sincerely, Raven
          P. S. Wattpad was messing up last night and only showed two parts to your story. Now that I know the story is much larger, I look forward to more reading. 


@RavenRock2112 Hello, again! I imagine two accounts would be too confusing for me haha. I also imagine Blood Impulse made absolutely zero sense with only 2 parts! Especially if it was the first and the last! There should be more than 90+ right now, but I have known WP to get a little funky on that sometimes. :)


Hello, thank you for the votes for Canaisis, the last living ship. I hope you found thus far intriguing and that it measures up to Sci-Fi standards. Hang on a little while longer, this is the introduction (so to speak). 
              Chronicles One and Two (hence forth C1, C2) has already been written. And, I am happy to say, C2 will pick up from literally the last sentence of Chronicle One. No "what has gone before" filler. Posting for C2 will begin shortly at a steady pace onward. I just don't want to get ahead of myself, editing is time consuming and so is writing Chronicle 3. 
             If you like action, take a peek at Depth of Sacrifice. It's a short read, 8k words, but all action with an explanation of why at the end.
               Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed Canaisis so far and, please, feel free to comment about anything.   
                     Sincerely, Raven


@-NikaRave- Will do! I'm looking forward to reading it!


@-NikaRave- Chapter 37 (otherwise known as C2 Chapter 1) is for you my friend, keep a look out


@-NikaRave- Hi there! No problem at all! Your work is one of the best that I've read on this site! This is actually my 3rd read-through of Canaisis, I'm just making sure to vote this time. I'm looking forward to reading Chronicle 2, and can't wait to see where the story goes! If I get time, I'll take a look at Depth of Sacrifice. I'm sure it's great! And take your time on editing, I know just how time consuming that can be, but I know I'll be waiting when you finish, even if it takes awhile.
                Best, SR


Hi, As a reader of the book Blood Impulse, I am happy to say that it is extremely thrilling and exciting. The experience of reading is amazing. While I hope you keep on writing this book till the end, I will like to suggest and request for a book based on Humans against Hydrians and wining it. The previous book before blood impluse .I think n hope many who liked this book will be eager for that too as well. 
               Thank you.


@SRCraven Thank you for considering the idea.


@MadhurjyaKashyap Hello there! I'm so glad you are enjoying Blood Impulse. That is great to hear. Much of the story has already been written, but I edit the parts before I post them (which is why it takes so long), so finishing the book shouldn't be a problem. As to a prequel covering the events before Blood Impulse, that is a wonderful idea! I'll make no promises, but I'll see what I can do.