
A new chapter is up for the wolves of Twilight! Sorry for the long wait. I'm in my final semester at university, and it's been crazy. I hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter! We're almost done with new moon, and I'm very excited!


A new chapter is up for the wolves of Twilight! Sorry for the long wait. I'm in my final semester at university, and it's been crazy. I hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter! We're almost done with new moon, and I'm very excited!


Hey guys! I'm trying to edit the next chapter, but I've had technical issues with Wattpad. For whatever reason, the whole chapter will get reformatted, and the cursor will jump to the bottom of the page whenever I stop typing. I already submitted a report with Wattpad but it's too soon for them to respond this quickly. Has anyone else had issues like these? 


Hey guys! Sorry it's been a hot second since I've been able to update! University got crazy again so time was not easily available. But anyways, I just posted a new Chapter of The Wolves of Twilight so I hope you guys enjoy chapter 21!


Hey guys! I'm about 2/3 done with the next chapter of The Wolves Of Twilight! I should be able to post it for you guys either on Tuesday or Wednesday. Wednesday is my least busy college day, so if I don't post on Tuesday, it'll 100% be posted by Wednesday at the latest!!! Thank you, guys, for all the support! Life has thrown me quite a few curve balls the past year, so it's been difficult to write as much as I'd like. I enjoy reading all your comments, and I hope you guys enjoy the next chapters to come!


Hey guys! I have finally uploaded another chapter of The Wolves Of Twilight!!! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but things have been super busy. Thank you all for the support and everything! It makes me smile!


Hey guys! Another chapter of The Wolves Of Twilight has been posted! 
          Sorry it's been awhile, as I've said before University is super busy, so my time and brain power is limited. But, I'm on break for a month, so I'll be able fo write more chapters for you guys! 
          As always, thank you for all the support! It means the world to me! 


Hey guys! I finally posted another chapter for The Wolves of Twilight!!! I'm sorry it's been a while, things have been so hectic with college. It's kinda insane, honestly. But over all, I've had a blast so far. I'm definitely having a good experience .
          But anyways, thank you guys for everything! Love you all!!!