Hey readers!
I recently read, and went through my entire book, and I have fixed up chapters 1- 23!
Couple of updates have been made.
•Jennifer is now known as Jenn majority of the time, because I kept forgetting her name during writing, and accidentally called her Jessica a couple times.
That has now been fixed, and she is now known as Jenn.
•I also felt like being in high school was a bit too young for this to be happening to Gwen.
So because of that, she is now in her first year of college. And Damon and Kai are in their second year. (Those who were a year older, or the same age, still are)
So there will be some changes because of that.
•Wolves now mate when they’re 19, not 18. And small changes like that. If you want to check it out, go back to the information chapter at the beginning of the book, as this has also been updated!
•Rue is now three years younger, not two.
I also have decided not to use pictures, but instead to just have more detail descriptions.