See my main account: @ImagiDreamer !

Hey there! It's me, your official Sass Queen =) I've made this account for a number of reasons, mostly to enlighten the hearts of those who are severely bullied or hurt in any way. Since I've had personal experience, I thought I'd reach out to others, and try to form a bond or strong connection between others on Wattpad. My goal is to create a safer environment for everyone on this site. Bullying is a world-wide disaster. It's a monster. It can churn away your paths, leaving you with no way out. I can understand that. I know how it feels. Which is why I'm trying to spread some kindness and hope to our Wattpad community.

To all those who are suffering, just know that you are not alone. =)

I will be posting books on here that deal with bullying, abuse, anxiety, social problems, and disorders. If you are an individual that dislike any of these, you don't have to come here if you don't want to. However, I just think that it would be a good thing to learn more about these problems to understand the effect that bullying, abuse, etc. has on all of us. So please, join me into making Wattpad a safer, better place for everyone.

Club members:





That's all I have so far! If you would like to join, pm me at anytime!
  • Wonderland
  • JoinedMay 22, 2018