Go check out my new story! A retelling of my one-shots but to my current writing style. Hopefully it’s better but you can only know if you read it. So go ahead give it a tase! Feedback is much appreciated
Go check out my new story! A retelling of my one-shots but to my current writing style. Hopefully it’s better but you can only know if you read it. So go ahead give it a tase! Feedback is much appreciated
I have 14 updates in mind for this month for the one shots. All the ones that were currently commented that I did not do yet. I’m aiming for at least 1,000+ words each.
Just watched Adventure Time. Dear god it’s cannon. I can’t believe it my babies are cannon.
Anyways I’ll be updating soon either today at 12pm or tomorrow. But the chapters I’m planning on releasing this week are:
m!Leo x m!gemini - Forever more I shall be
f!aries x f!virgo - An unforeseen crush?
f!aries x m!scorpio - For you who never gave up, I’m sorry (be prepared for this to be sad.)