*Feeling cute, might delete later*
I finished uploading all the chapters for Dirty Roulette and marked it completed. For right now, it will stay up so I can see how well it performs. I have some amazing Beta Reader moms who have been so helpful in making the project come to life.
When it's ready for release it will more than likely be removed. I'm looking at three publishers, Lulu, KU, and B&N. I have a friend from high school willing to help advertise it through her company's online website.
I do plan on removing Cigs and Scars from Radish. I am debating on my other works on there too. I find them cringe-worthy and would like to move on from that time in my life. This way I can start working towards becoming an Indie writer probably without much success but I'll definitely try.
With that being said, Dirty Roulette will more than likely be the last story I publish on here.