
Hello writer, I hope you have a nice day. I love your book "I saved the alpha" or "The darkest moon" so much, the story is very interesting and I can't wait to read more chapters of it. I hope you update it soon. Thank you for your hard work ♡


I’m so sorry I’m just now seeing this! I don’t often look at my conversations on here and I’m really bad at it . It as of right now I don’t have any social media related to my books, but I’ve been thinking about making an Instagram for it for a while now, I’ll definitely let you know if I ever do! Thank you so much for your support and for reading, it means the world to me! 


Can you please brief me on how you got this reaction to your novel. I need it badly


@efefrancis I didn’t really do anything. I just started writing, then just kept writing, and it just kind of happened as I went along. Putting a lot of tags on your story also helps. But thank you for your support! It means the world to me! 


@efefrancis I mean the amount of people that read your work 


@efefrancis Sorry I'm just now responding! I really only come on here to write and don't really look at my conversations lol but I'm not too sure what you mean by 'reaction'. I just write what I like to write :)


Hey I love your novel


@efefrancis thank you for your support! It means so much to me! As for updates it’s hard cause I work 5 days a week then have school 3 days a week but I’m Goni go to try my best to get updates out! 


@efefrancis welcome it is awesome,  and please please so update. I am a big fan of your work