

amelia d'angelo u will always be famous .... 


"Wait, wait — for how long have I slept that I missed the existence of a whole group of teenage superheroes?!"
          // <333333


   "that could be them."  he couldn't say for certain,  of course,  and so he made sure to present his tentativeness to agree immediately.  he did take a proper look at the photos,  eyes narrowed to take in the details before he realised it was in vain.  if he tried too hard,  his brain might come up with its own information to fill the gaps,  and hawkeye always said that was totally a bad thing when it came to an investigation.  "can i get your name?  maybe i could send Vision to find you and give you a more helpful answer to that.  he might've gotten some more details on them,  maybe even analytics to connect those guys to our guys."  he gestured from the photos to the direction of the incident as he spoke. 
            /   @-donutcross 


Lara didn't want to pry. She's a detective. And detectives are often quite nosy. But she didn't want to forget the 'human side' of it all; it wasn't about getting all the answers, but about asking the right questions. It wasn't any of her business how the young superhero did those things, and how was it like for him to have such abilities. However, it was her job to ask him to give her as many details as he could about the suspects. And he apparently had a lot of these details! "Wow, that's — quite helpful already, actually," she showed him some pics on her phone. "I know you said you couldn't see them exactly, but do you think it could've been them, maybe? They robbed a store two days ago. They took plenty of clothes and shoes..."


  he would have answered her question  (  although he did raise his eyebrows as if wondering if she actually wanted to commit the question time to something like that  )  but she'd already moved on,  and he discarded the response he prepared.  "i didn't see who exactly —  i tried to chase them down but they disappeared.  i can give you a description—  there were three of them.  two were abouuutt 5'7?  5'8?  while the third one was a few inches taller.  they all wore the same sneakers,  they looked new,  and i think they were those ones from new balance.  i've seen them online-  but i think you can only get them in certain states,  i dunno.  i'm sure they were referring to each other with code names,  i'll have to check with wiccan.  he had eyes on them inside the building just before they made a run for it."  
            /   @-donutcross 


"Now *that* was an impressive trick," he would comment with a fond, although subtle smile on his lips, upon testifying the young man's abilities. A shape-shifter could admire another shape-shifter's art, am I right?
          // <333


  "yeah.  i didn't grow up knowing what i was,  so it made my teenage years pretty confusing.  and,  i guess i never really knew how to stand up for myself,  so i did things i kind of regret now."  he grimaced,  having been a popular kid at high school but still so deeply insecure was very confusing.  "i worried about that,  and my sexuality,  and  *school*.  but it's easier to manage now that i know who i am,  you know what i mean?"  
            /   @-TEMPVSFVGIT 


"As am I," he responded with honesty about being honoured to meet him — as he is about meeting everyone. Sure, *Teddy* is an emperor, but with all due respect, his title had no influence in the sentiment he expressed with those words. If he had no titles at all, Aeternus would've been equally honoured in meeting him. "I'm certain many of those 'crazy things' you've mentioned listening recently, they revolve around your own origins? Troubled times... excuse the pun. It must've been difficult to assimilate the truth, I presume?"


  "i've been told some pretty crazy things in the past few years,  so it's just another in the collection."  he comforted,  smiling at the idea that he didn't know what  'stoned'  meant.  he did,  obviously,  have a pretty crazy life,  which might explain why he was so willing to believe other ideas.  "this definitely takes the cake,  though.  i'm honoured."  it was always good to know that people felt as though they could talk to you,  teddy loved being able to give anyone and everyone that opportunity to get in touch with parts of themselves that didn't often see the light of day.  
            /   @-TEMPVSFVGIT 




he's a member of the  young avengers   !  and is a big fan of every superhero ever.  loser


            - literature student at columbia university 
            - also .... a superhero.  HULKLING
            - kree-skrull hybrid 
            - gay as hell
            - used to play basketball 
            - closet movie nerd 


Ouuh, you’re more grouchy than usual my friend.


@mmistired       ♰      You have always been grouchy,  let’s not deny it.   And I think our trouble is JUST beginning.   I don’t have high hopes,  so.   Ice cream.   Now.   I thought you were supposed to managing your stress anyways?


  I am not grouchy.  We all got a lot goin' on,  so what does it matter?  The sooner we get all this over with the happier we'll end up.  
            /   @Ie-uncabot 


I’d say let’s sniff some coke,  but that’s not up to your speed.  Let’s get ice cream.


yeah   . . .    no .   I’m    coming    with    you .   end    of    story .     


@mmistired     (  . . .  )     [      liv   watched    him ,    taking in    the   conflicting   look upon his    face    ,    her    own    expression    softening .    she    got   it   .   she   would be another    person    that    he’d   have   to worry    about    if   she   tagged    along .    oh ,   how    badly    she    wanted    to   tell   him   that    she    was    a    supe   .     that   ,    sure ,   it   didn’t   make her    invincible   ,    but    it meant    that    she   was   an   / asset / ,   not a burden .    but    it    had   been    too   long that it    felt   off    to   tell   him   the    truth    now .       ]      I’m   not    a    child .    but   / fine / .   if   you insist .   I’ll    be   right   by    your   side .     [      she promised    ,     the   corners   of her lips curving    up   as she   nudged     his    shoulder  with   her   own lightly .     ]      don’t   you worry   about me .   now   tell   me ,   what’s   your   plan   ? 


   [  For a few seconds,  he could only listen to her points with a frown on his face,  one that seemed to be closer to conceding defeat with every word.  It's not like he wanted to do it alone,  but getting people involved the way Butcher did put a bad feeling in his stomach.  And his chest.  And an itching in his hands.  The moment he realised she was right,  he sighed in a dramatic gesture and levelled her with a look that said he still wasn't happy about the decision.  ]     Fine.  But you better stay close to me,  you hear?  Don't leave my sight.  
            /   @blazeinflame 


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@mmistired    (  . . .  )       oh    come   onnnn   .    you    really   don’t    think    I    can’t   reverse   this    just    as easily    ?     / you’re /    going   .   it’s   not   safe    for   you    either   .    at   least  if    I   go  ,   then   you’ll  know   that    I’ll    have    your    back .     [       she   stated    firmly    ,    before    groaning    .      ]         fucks   sake   ,   m    ,   I’m   involved   whether you    like    it     or    not    ,     ever    since    butcher    brought    his    shit    into   my   bar   .     / before /   that   too—      [       she    paused    sharply    ,    before    poking    her index    finger    against    his    chest ,    eyes narrowed .       ]      look ,     you    and    I    both    know    that    / nothing /    is    safe    these   days .   you      really   wanna   waste    time   and    argue   with   me   on   this    ?   I’ll   be okay . 


  i'm fine.   just leave me alone.


  don't feel like going out.   (..)   despicable me.   still my favorite movie,  y'know.


   We could watch a movie;  we got the DVDs in the box under the stairs.  Or maybe we fork out and go to the movie theater.  
            /   @wickedgardens 


  ..  that sounds nice,  actually.   what are you thinkin'?


don't look at me like that.


   You wanna talk about it?  Better to do it here than get yourself into something dangerous 'cause of it. 
            /   @againstgods 


well,   i am angry.   i'm angry at everything.


   You just seemed angry.  I'm not the enemy here.  
            /   @againstgods 


so, what do we do now? because i’m definitely not listening to anything butcher says anymore.


   Well,  y'know,  I'm here for a reason.  And I don't want none of our blood on my hands when we go through this.  So leaving Butcher outta this is for the best."   
            /  @newesthope 


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thank you for actually giving a shit about the team. it’s refreshing that someone’s actually looking out for everyone instead of just themselves.


   Not until he works with us.  Keeping him here when he's like this is like a thorn in our side,  and it's only benefitting the enemy.  We need to build up our allies.  
            /   @newesthope 