It feels so nice to finally receive story update notifications, after what it feels like forever :)


To all my followers who like reading Camila/You books, I recommend this story and all the works by @oddcabello. I can guarantee you all that you will definitely love this book and it gets updates. I know that it is hard finding a good book that is getting updates by the writers, just remember to be patient and don't demand updates all writers have a life outside of Wattpad. Thank you and enjoy!!




It feels so good to finally have some time for Wattpad after writing a 12 page final paper and getting it out of the way. Now the hard part is which update to read first oh geez decisions, decisions.


@suacy7like7siracha7 you are funny, now we know your priorities lol. I think that if Wattpad was a course and we were just asked to read we would all get “A’s” the easiest class EVER lmao