@suacy7like7siracha7 I am all gucci haha. If I made you laugh and blush at the same time I did my job lol. So if you know of anyone that is needing the same treatment send them my way or they can slide in my DM’s haha
@suacy7like7siracha7 Thank you, I have to say yours is original and probably the only one with that pfp/username. I try to keep it PG to PG-13 haha but with the “XXX” on the username that is debatable and hard lmao. How are you doing?
It feels so good to finally have some time for Wattpad after writing a 12 page final paper and getting it out of the way. Now the hard part is which update to read first oh geez decisions, decisions.
@suacy7like7siracha7 you are funny, now we know your priorities lol. I think that if Wattpad was a course and we were just asked to read we would all get “A’s” the easiest class EVER lmao