
I'm sharing my world with you and I hope you keep an open mind


Hey guys. I republished Suddenly Everything and wanted to let you know. I will be changing it a lot, but I figured I won't feel the need to work on it if it's hidden away so in order to force myself to write I made it public again. Thanks


Thanks for the follow! :3 


@10SimpleGray Then I shall make it a point to watch it soon. :)


you should. it's amazing. you too will also desire to see the stars :3. i hope you enjoy my story if you choose to donate your time to read it.


@10SimpleGray I haven't had much time to really get into it, so I can't say I'm a fan, but it seems awesome, so I have to start watching it sometime


So, I have been awake for about half an hour, and it feels like I got absolutely no sleep at all. It's like that feeling you get after you take a really long nap, but you are still super tired and just want to go back to sleep and you can't. I hate this. It's like, can I please just go to sleep and sleep well for once? Geez :/


Okay, so I FINALLY updated Suddenly Everything! I found some unknown inspiration while pulling an unintentional all nighter last night, and I got to over a thousand words, so yay! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it! I cannot promise more updates, but I can promise that I will not abandon this story!  I love you guys, and I thank all of you who have stayed with me these past few weeks (little longer than a month) being patient and waiting for me! I love you guys, and I am so grateful!


Currently Editing and Revising the third chapter of Suddenly Everything! Should be up soon! Also, if anyone would like, could you give me an idea of what you think will happen next (after Chapter 12)? Thanks, and I love you all so much! :)