It's been a long, long time since I've done any work on here. I'll explain why.
A few years ago, an online publishing platform reached out and offered to pay me for my work. I drafted the chapters on 'Trapped in Paradise' from chapter nine onwards and started publishing them on this website. I wrote for months, hoping to gain some further recognition, but the support was lacking and so my motivation waned. I haven't been to that website or this one in years.
That all changed with this Nanowrimo. I wanted to finish some other novels for my Nano project, so I wrote and published the last three chapters of my most popular fan fic, and then finished my project from last year titled 'The Kid' (which will be available here next year) and a secret project I've been working on, too, that will likely be on here in the later part of the year.
Well, I finished three major pieces of work and started working on some Harry Potter fanfictions I had on the back burner. However, as many writers know, sometimes you're just not 'feeling it'. I was browsing through my Dabble project list, and came across this. I figured I wanted to put this novel to bed. I went to the website it was published on, and realised it was gone. Poof. Disappeared. Just like the fish in the bowl that Professor Slughorn was gifted.
I came back to this website and saw notifications and comments, and I was thrilled to see people were still engaging. So I undrafted a chapter, and was immediately met with comments.
Your kind words invigorated me. I'm editing and republishing the chapters now. They'll be available in increments, I'm thinking one every few days. I hope to have the novel completely uploaded by March.
I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has read/is reading this. I hope the story meets your expectations, and that you enjoy it. I'll do my best to engage with comments.
Have a great December! You'll be hearing from me again.
S. T. Stevens