I know I've said this multiple times, but since school's let out I sincerely promise to add more chapters more often! What I need from you lovely people is 1: to keep reading :) and 2: would you like me to make this story a trilogy or start off fresh and make a new story? Comment your opinion and make sure to check out my new postings when they come out soon!Thanks and keep being awesome! ^^(A)^^
@STinspiresMe Right. That's true...but I literally meant the "beginning" of the music. Okay, so I'm sure you know how it sounds like maracas when the song first starts...right? Well that's actually a packet of sugar being shaken by steven. See, he ordered a set of instuments that included maracas because he wanted that sound for Sweet Emotion. Except when he got the set, they left out the maracas. He found a packet of sugar laying on a speaker and...yeah. That's sweet emotion.
@PleaseDontKissMe The way I see it, the song was about Joe Perry's first wife trying to control him and not understanding that she didn't have anything to do with the band and that Joe was going to do his own thing no matter what she wanted.
@XjustadreamX Lol thanks! I've been meaning to update them! Probably have a few new parts up this week to Round and Round! Thanks for reading and following! Nice story!