good day. as all of you are aware, my account (OhMaiJamz_1147) has been banned as of January 19, 2024. i wasn't informed due to being caught up with my personal life, my apologies.
i don't think most of my followers would see this but I'd like to express my sincerest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to those that have read my works, those that rooted for my updates that never came, those that supported me in every single way — i really love you all. you were all witnesses to a side of me that most people are unaware of, a side only you know.
writing was my escape from my crippling reality, and it helped me in many ways one cannot imagine. thank you for being there, thank you for being my reader.
may this message mark the very end of my wattpad phase, farewell. i wish you all the good in this life.