dear stars
          	 the story bad boys like you hyunlix the first chapter has been posted i hope you enjoy it and if you have any sugestsions on what ship you would like next please feel free to comment below (not forcing just an idea)
          	love from sunshinegirl xxx


dear stars
           the story bad boys like you hyunlix the first chapter has been posted i hope you enjoy it and if you have any sugestsions on what ship you would like next please feel free to comment below (not forcing just an idea)
          love from sunshinegirl xxx


dear my stars 
          i wish to take a short break from writing to enjoy Christmas with my family
          some of the people i have not seen in a long time and i wish to get reaquainted my break will last roughly 3 weeks and i will release story parts after this time,
          love from Summer 
          (my name)


also to moons 
            thank you for reading my storys xxx