
New, favorite word: haecceity 1. the essence that makes something the kind of thing it is and makes it different from any other. 
          	Each of you readers and writers are so very complex and unique. I hope you keep creating and following your passions today and always.


New, favorite word: haecceity 1. the essence that makes something the kind of thing it is and makes it different from any other. 
          Each of you readers and writers are so very complex and unique. I hope you keep creating and following your passions today and always.


Thanks S.C. Nocks for putting  I'm a Cyborg's Pet on to your reading list. OK, I think I'm sounding a little creepy there but as new authors always get a boost every time someone comes across our work. Please enjoy the book. 
           Hugs RK+Reb


@S_C_Nocks That's just made our days.


@The-Scrivener This book is hilarious. I'm going to have to make another list to specifically recommend this one. I just love how it pokes fun at so many things. Kcuf-ing brilliant!


Oh dear, it seems I've fallen down a rabbit hole on this website...
          “Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”
          ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland