
@Anime_Books_Thatsall haha thanks! that means a lot and I hope you like it!


Hi! Just out of curiosity, is 'The girl with no name' still ongoing, or has it become discontinued? Big fan btw ❤


@Unsub17 man been years now and there no chapter but ima still wait unitl i die


@SaPpHiRe_r0sE thank you for replying, in my oppinion it doesn't matter when you update, as long it will happen in the not so distant future  


@Unsub17  hey sorry for the heaps late reply! I don't really know what's going on but I'm no longer getting  email notifications and just realised. 
            To be honest I do plan to continue 'The girl with no name' and it is currently still ongoing. However, truthfully it is so hard to write the next chapter since it's  been so long. So while it may take forever for me to get back into it, I definitely have no plans to discontinue it.
            Thanks for writing to me! Always enjoy it and it means a lot <3
            -Saph xx


Woohoo! I see Ian Somerhalder on the profile pic.


@Pardesi_chick yup, especially on season 1 of TVD. Damon is super sexy. 
            Thank your comment it means a lot to me.


Isn't he just gorgeous?!?!?! *swoons* also I loved, loved, loved your hakuouki one shots! Please update as much as you can and keep up the good work!! Xx


@Mara_aka_kami hey sorry for the really really late reply! I don't really know what's going on but I'm no longer getting  email notifications and just realised that there are actually comments and messages that I haven't seen. 
            To be honest I do plan to continue 'The girl with no name' and it is currently still ongoing. However, truthfully it is so hard to write the next chapter since it's  been so long. So while it may take forever for me to get back into it, I definitely have no plans to discontinue it.
            Thanks for writing to me! Always enjoy it and it means a lot <3
            -Saph xx


Thank you for voting on my story!! It meant so much to me, I hope you enjoyed reading it and keep on reading for the upcoming updates xD i hope to see more votes and comments from you, and any suggestions and critics are welcome! Thank you once again:D


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE VOTES XDD I'm so happy, thank you so much!! I hope to see some comments from you, comments are always better than votes in my opinion XD


Okay, I'll try XD


@nobodyinparticular98 HEY!! NO PROBLEMO! update and I'll comment, yeah? ;)


Once again thanks for the vote, love :) You think I have to improve anything? Criticism is always welcome :)


@SaPpHiRe_rOsE Haha thank you so much for the tip :) I seriously didn't notice that hehe and SR is very cool but I'll call you Saph ;) 


@Kavya_G no problem! maybe you could use names that start with a different letter? there were a lot of  names starting with 'r'. I'm punjabi and watch a lot of hindi movies so I'm fine with the names and know who's who but readers who aren't indian might have a bit of trouble remembering since the names are foreign to them. update soon! xx
            -SR (hehe I'm trying out different ways to sign off at the end to see which I like :P)


Hello. I wondering if you were going to make another fan fiction on One Piece.  I loved your 1st one! ^^


@KimonoLover I also forgot to mention, if you have an idea of a story you want me to write just message me! I've written a couple like that for my sister now so I don't mind :)


@KimonoLover To be completely honest, I have had ideas for other stories and have started writing some but I just never really posted them. I actually have so many stories (both fanfiction and not) that I started and only did a few chapters on. I tend to do that when I get stuck on another one. If you're interested, I'll consider posting them. Just be warned: I tend to play around with them a lot at first. Anyway, let me know of your thoughts and thanks for reading my other one! xx
            - SaPpHiRe_r0sE