@Mystery_gurl95 oh wow..... Well then you go right on and study!!!!! I'm sooo glad I'm out of school. Lol. And no I'm not bragging!! Ok maybe a little. Hehe :<} (bunny face)
@GiamoniCooper haha! it is a major exam for us to allow us to leave secondary school.. aka high school to move on n study for 3 years just to get our dip... but if we dont get such gd points to get to the course we wan... thn it would take us 4-6 yrs to get our dip... n min edu standard here is a degree... soo yup!
Omg you fanned! lol! I was like wait I know that story...... Then I scrolled up and really saw your name lol!!!! I Had a slow moment!
Well anyway! I hope you enjoy my stories!!!! I know I enjoy yours!