
Iā€™ve been watching new Poppy Playtime theories about who exactly the Prototype could be. Mob has been very generous keeping the lore simplified, I am certain his identity will be revealed in the final chapter, whenever it arrives! 
          	Now that we know Poppy was Elliottā€™s daughter and his dead family member died in 1960, at least a decade after the first Poppy doll was released, thatā€™s got me wondering where exactly this living dolls ā€œresurrectionā€ resides in the long list of experiments and bigger bodies. 
          	So far the earliest experiment we know of was in the early 800s digits and it involved an animal, not a person. 
          	Thereā€™s a theory Iā€™ve debated since chapter 2 about what Poppyā€˜s experiment number was, but now that I think about it, why would Playtime have created her successfully earlier than the rat experiment if they werenā€™t using humans yet? 
          	Iā€™m thinking of writing a theory on what number Poppyā€˜s experiment could be, and why she and 1006 are closely connected. After all, he did say that he knows everything about her at the end of chapter 4ā€¦


Iā€™ve been watching new Poppy Playtime theories about who exactly the Prototype could be. Mob has been very generous keeping the lore simplified, I am certain his identity will be revealed in the final chapter, whenever it arrives! 
          Now that we know Poppy was Elliottā€™s daughter and his dead family member died in 1960, at least a decade after the first Poppy doll was released, thatā€™s got me wondering where exactly this living dolls ā€œresurrectionā€ resides in the long list of experiments and bigger bodies. 
          So far the earliest experiment we know of was in the early 800s digits and it involved an animal, not a person. 
          Thereā€™s a theory Iā€™ve debated since chapter 2 about what Poppyā€˜s experiment number was, but now that I think about it, why would Playtime have created her successfully earlier than the rat experiment if they werenā€™t using humans yet? 
          Iā€™m thinking of writing a theory on what number Poppyā€˜s experiment could be, and why she and 1006 are closely connected. After all, he did say that he knows everything about her at the end of chapter 4ā€¦


The more I watch videos of the ominous silhouettes of the Prototypeā€™s body in Poppy playtime, the more Iā€™m getting the sense that his full design is most likely going to look EXTREMELY similar to the Beldam/other motherā€™s final form in the movie Coraline. 
          You all remember that? Spider like legs, needles for fingertips and skeletal features, itā€™s a dead ringer for 1006! This is the only prediction Iā€™m gonna make regarding the his identity, so yes this is my personal vote as to what he could possibly look like.


Okay, chapter 4 caught me off guard, tugged at my heart strings and constantly blew my mind! I felt like this game followed certain rules that the lore of FNAF 4 tried to convey. Now Iā€™m debating which kid had a more tragic fate, the crying child or poor Jack! 
          Thatā€™s a tough decision all right! Iā€™m not sure which character my newest story should be about yet, but Iā€™m thinking I should take a therapy approach to all of the inhabitants of Safe Haven. Maybe Iā€™ll even appoint one of the toys as the local therapistā€¦


@BloodWarden I use the existing characters because I feel I have no right to ā€œgraceā€ another personā€˜s hard work with something of my own creation. These video game companies work around the clock creating scenarios and characters that capture the hearts and minds of millions across the globe. I respect their choices. Whenever I write flash fiction stories and include one of my self-made characters, it seems like plagiarism to me. Of course thatā€™s just my opinion, I have written countless stories that I donā€™t put online, because thatā€™s my choice. When Iā€™m on Wattpad, I try to keep my fanfics fair.


@SabineBottone if I may. Why not just have an oc act out as a councilor or a new face do so?


Iā€™m counting down the hours until chapter 4 of Poppy Playtime comes out! A quick thought Iā€™ve been pondering after re-watching the last trailer a few times, and Iā€™m not sure if anyone else has theorized on this, but I noticed that every scene with Kissy Missy, we only see the back of her head from an angle. We know she was seemingly attacked at the end of chapter 3, so perhaps she sustained a head injury which might reveal the human remains underneath? 
          Boy, would THAT be a creepy way to bring her back out of the gates! 
          That way sheā€™s still technically a living toy, but her traumatic wounds could help decode Playtimeā€™s heinous experimentsā€¦


Poppyā€™s chapter 4 gameplay trailer was just released, and from the look of it, it seems I will also have to retcon my kissing the gutless story about Kissy Missyā€¦ because sheā€™s back bitches! You can clearly see her alive and kicking in the new trailer. Thatā€™s not the ONLY bombshell we learned from this new video, but itā€™s the one Iā€™m most hyped for. Iā€™m gonna begin new plans for stories right away, I hope I can publish them all before chapter 4 comes out next week.


Iā€™ve been scrolling through Poppy Playtime theories cause Iā€™ve been out of the loop for a little while when it comes to theorizing on this game, but since chapter 4 is coming out in a matter of weeks, Iā€™ve decide to get back on track. After watching a couple videos and theories, especially those from Game theory or Terrifytee, Iā€™m afraid I have to personally nullify/revoke one of my theory stories I wrote on this site. The Poppy playtime protagonist theory precisely. 
          I now know thanks to the lore of this game that Dr. White, whoā€™s only mentioned a small handful of times and the elusive P.W. are not the same person. That being said, I will not be erasing it from my collection of stories, it WAS just a theory after all. Once Poppy chapter 4 drops, Iā€™ll start writing fanfics for it again, but for now Iā€™m gonna keep researching.


Hey guys, sorry I havenā€™t really posted anything since the end of last year. The truth is Iā€™ve been trying to find myself. The holidays have always been a confusing time for meā€¦ I think because Iā€™m getting older, my brain is starting to push my creative ideas to the back burner, thatā€™s something I personally didnā€™t want to happen. 
          I used to have a habit of putting my ideas before my real working life, but since Iā€™m almost 30 now, I feel like the weight of the world is starting to sink in. Iā€™m going to try a little harder to believe in myself, I know that Iā€™ll write another good fanfiction sooner or later, but until that time comes, I will try to have more fun in the real world instead of scrolling on my phone all the time.


Iā€™ve been doing a lot of brainstorming whilst scouring the Internet for any new Indie horror announcements. Just saw the new reveal trailer for the Poppy playtime chapter 4 monsters, and Iā€™m trying to figure out a hopefully soon to be released fanfic regarding those 2.
          For the time being, Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m going to remaster and re-release my most viewed fanfic on my profileā€¦ The Finding Frankie story, Our Lucky Contestant. I recently looked over it in my computer archive files, and noticed several typos and mistakes I accidentally left in the final draft. 
          The good news is I have finally gotten around to fixing those mistakes, and will be reposting it tonight! Spoiler alert, not much has changed in the short story but all the grammatical errors have been fixed. 


If thereā€™s one thing about my brain that Iā€™m certain of, itā€™s that once I finish a huge artistic project I have to take a long break so my mind can recuperate. What with the holidays less than 22 days away, my busy work schedule and mentally working overtime to finish my folktale treasury that I dedicated to my grandmother during her tumor scare, my brain is fried. Seriously, I woke up feeling stoned, and I havenā€™t taken any edibles since last month! 
          Also I havenā€™t gotten any great ideas for a new fanfic. Once winter break rolls around Iā€™ll try scouring the Internet for inspiration via Indie horror game walk-throughs. Hopefully soon Iā€™ll find a new creation that intrigues me enough to write stories about it.


Well, I just finished compiling and printing a treasury of original folk tales Iā€™ve been writing over the last six years. I recently decided to kick this goal of writing my own myths into high gear, as I learned a week ago that my grandmotherā€˜s doctors discovered a lot of tumors during her emergency checkup. 
          It was difficult for me to concentrate on anything in my own life, as my grandmother has always been my biggest supporter when it comes to writing my own stories. Miraculously, as soon as I finished my books dedication page, which I am going to dedicate to her, my mother called me and said that my grandmotherā€™s doctors most recent report found the tumors to be non-life-threatening, and they had already removed most of the bigger ones. 
          My grandma was discharged from the hospital last night, and sheā€™s on the road to recovery. 
          I am so thankful sheā€™s feeling better, and I canā€™t wait to show her my story collection when I see her on Thanksgiving!