
Well, it took a lot of patience and hard resets, but I managed to fix my Xbox One S! For the longest time I thought it overheated, turns out I just needed to purge the overflowing internal storage. 
          	Lesson learned, I won’t download so many games simultaneously anymore…


Well, it took a lot of patience and hard resets, but I managed to fix my Xbox One S! For the longest time I thought it overheated, turns out I just needed to purge the overflowing internal storage. 
          Lesson learned, I won’t download so many games simultaneously anymore…


With so many indie horror games coming out these days from all sorts of different developers, I’m having a hard time choosing which one to write a fanfic about. Does anybody out there have any requests? 
          Which new game and lore would you recommend I try to write a story about?


I’ve been playing my PS4 that I got at a yard sale for quite some time now, I used to have an Xbox one, but it tragically overheated and I don’t have enough money to repair it. I didn’t beat myself up too much, I just recently decided to give my Fortnite skills another try. 
          (Of course I had to start anew because I was using my Xbox username for my old account.)
          My Battle Royale choice is zero build, and I decided to give that a go. I never would’ve guessed that on my first try as a rookie once again, that I would claim victory on my first match! 
          It’s been at least six months since I even logged onto Fortnite, I guess I’ve still got it, I’m not rusty at all!


Still no ideas for a fanfic good enough to put on this site, but I just had to post this update on what I witnessed today. 
          I was taking my lunch break at work, and I was walking on the side of a busy road so I could go to the local Cumberland Farms, then I saw this car stop short right at the entrance to their parking lot. 
          The car in back of them must’ve been distracted, because they quickly swerved out of the way in order to avoid a collision. But then that car swerved all the way into a ditch a few feet up from me! I could hear large branches snapping and I knew that this person would need help, so I rushed over and knocked on the drivers door. 
          The poor woman was in shock. 
          I asked her if I should call the cops, because the entire front of her car was totaled, the tires all tangled and entwined with tree roots and vines. She nodded, I contacted the authorities and they showed up within 30 seconds. 
          They asked me if I had been in the car when it happened. 
          I, of course wasn’t so I told them the whole story. They quickly got the woman out of the car and thanked me for calling so quickly. When it was clear to me that the police did not need my help anymore, I crossed over to Cumberland Farms to get some snacks, a lot of people there who’d heard the police sirens started asking me what had just gone down.
          By the time I was heading back to the place where I work, they were getting the woman into an ambulance stretcher.
          I know for a fact she was shaken, but I think she’s definitely going to pull through. 
          I’m just glad I was in the right place at the right time to help when I did… 


It’s almost scorching summer and I’ve made a decision that I’m going to be taking a step back from the dead end of a corner I’ve been absentmindedly painting myself into for the past few months online… 
          I firmly believe that the more electronics I tamper with, the more screen time I have subjected myself to… the angrier I get towards my family. These relationships I’ve worked so hard to build with them are being strained by how much time I’ve spent in front of a screen trying to distract myself from all the problems reality is showing me, 
          so I’m going to try and go on a technology hiatus, and I’m going to take it week by week to see how I do. I need to find myself again. 
          But hopefully I’ll be inspired to write some new stories at the end of the tunnel. 
          Thank you to everyone for reading my stories and enjoying them, I’m not deleting any accounts, but I probably won’t be uploading any new content for a while.


Man, I am SO glad we’re finally transitioning into spring! 
          I’m also going to announce that I have a few more brand new fanfic and theory ideas to come. 
          At least one of them will focus on Poppy Playtime, but I’m excited to say that a new mascot horror game has caught my attention online and I am going to begin making theories as to what this game could be about, considering it hasn’t been released yet. 
          As Poppy playtime chapter 4 probably won’t be released until 2025, I am going to try to pass the time by writing about the upcoming game that I am highly anticipating… Finding Frankie!


Morning! Let me start by saying how happy I am because so many people have read my latest fanfic. I actually took it on a test run by reading it to one of my family members recently, they told me it was very morbid, but I take that as a compliment. 
          I mean, come on! It’s Poppy Playtime, the stories are supposed to be dark. 
          I’ve hit a big writers block recently, what with working full-time at my local bus company and taking care of my dog who I now know suffers from epilepsy. I just haven’t found the time to think of a new fanfiction. Perhaps I’ll get an idea soon.


I do believe my Poppy Playtime fanfics have just hit the “Eureka!” Moment. I shall keep writing new stories, but spoiler alert, I’ve got this crazy idea for a fanfiction that I can ONLY submit after the game’s final chapter. Who knows how long I’ll have to wait?


Thanks again to everyone who has read my stories! 
          Quick update, I’ve had to postpone my latest ideas for fanfics, as my dog recently slipped into a coma for two days. Thankfully… he’s awake now and doing much better. 
          His health and safety are my top priority, But who knows, caring for him during this difficult time may inspire a story or two… but for now they’ll have to wait.


Thank you for your concern and support, my boy is almost back to being 100% healthy. What happened in the past few days was nothing short of a miracle. 
            Also… I woke up this morning with a plot outline for my next fanfic. Of course it’s Poppy Playtime themed, but this time it’s going to be about Dogday. Stay tuned!