
Hi guys Happy New Year!! I hope you guys are all well. 
          	Here is a link to a Full DUB version of the comic!! 
          	I also commented on the video, if you see it give it a like, if you want to of course, so I'd know that you came from wattpad to watch the video.
          	The voices really suit the characters and are really good too so you guys should really like it!!


Hi guys Happy New Year!! I hope you guys are all well. 
          Here is a link to a Full DUB version of the comic!! 

          I also commented on the video, if you see it give it a like, if you want to of course, so I'd know that you came from wattpad to watch the video.
          The voices really suit the characters and are really good too so you guys should really like it!!


Hey guys the original artist seem to have disappeared from deviant art, so i don't think that the Springtrap and Delilah Comic is going to continue, since I couldn't find anymore of the Comic. 
          But this person here { } was able to find the missing parts so go check them out there, once again I am so grateful to the people that actually like this comic as much as i like it when i first saw and read it!!
          I'm also thinking of drawing my own comic but it won't be as good as the Springtrap and Delilah one, but when I have time, I'll try to make it for you guys!!


Hey Everyone!!
          Hope you guys are having a great New Years so far, I am still trying to see if I can finish the Springtrap and Delilah comic.
          Also I'm trying something new, it's a fanfic but I'm trying my best at this since I'm new so please forgive me if it's bad.
          But be sure to look out for that and the rest of Springtrap and Delilah. (if there is any)


@SabriaWoodal to you to girl even though I read this late to say Happy New years lol


@SabriaWoodal Cool, and thanks for work. With Happy New Year.


          Sorry for not posting it when I said I was going to, I felt kinda sick so I had forgotten.
          But now it is up and you are free to read.
          Ths is not the end


            Have you updated Springtrap and Deliah, Dark Ending??


Hey guys,
          I hope everyone is ok and safe in their homes, and I know you want the story to continue so bad,
          I was just waiting to see if the creator was going to post more episodes but, so far nothing.
          I do have the dark ending episodes, though, I don't know if that is all of it, buuuttt....
          Since you guys love the story so much....... I will upload what I have, 
          and if the creator does upload more episodes, I will either update it, if its on the same topic.
          Or I would make a new chapter. So the Next Chapter will be posted later in the afternoon,
          because its 3am right now and I haven't slept all day.
          So just be ready later on in the day for the update.
          Stay safe and don't forget to wash your hands, and keep social distancing.