so real gurl MY BOYFRIEND JUST HAD TO GO AND FUCKING DIE like what the heck bro (i cope with dark humor) and ive had to go see a therapist like bro had to die a week before school started
HEY HEYY!! i’ve already started school 2 weeks ago, but it’s honestly not that bad. i have an essay due this tuesday, so i’m not too excited for that, but honestly, just waiting patiently for my fav author to post. miss you sab!!
@SabrinaA_writes im doing horrible. I start school in 1 day and literally don't have no clothes, no lashes, no nails, no school supplies no lipgloss, literally nothing.
hey guys i have been looking for a specific book for a few days could yall go check my tik tok and see if the details ring a bell
this is me @helpmefindwattpad