Please continue unknown bestie!!!
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Have you seen the new pics of Tom and Zawe ? Thanks to @TomHiddlestonHair , I am officially dead.
@Sal_Hiddles06 I have made my mind that's photoshopped and NO one can change my mind.
@Sal_Hiddles06 I haven't seen but I know it's sth like that and pls do book a grave for me , as well ((:
Please continue unknown bestie!!!
Have you seen the new pics of Tom and Zawe ? Thanks to @TomHiddlestonHair , I am officially dead.
@Sal_Hiddles06 I have made my mind that's photoshopped and NO one can change my mind.
@Sal_Hiddles06 I haven't seen but I know it's sth like that and pls do book a grave for me , as well ((:
Guyss , I published my new romance book called Disobedience ((:
Guyss, um do you know Luke Windsor? He's Hiddleston's Publicist and bestie and guess what? I dunno how but I have his number and email address aaaaahhh :"""")
@Izzy_1027 Lmao, but this number, I got a long ago so I dunno if it's valid or not , but you can try if ya want, it's not like I want you dead tho lol
@Izzy_1027 Lmao, I might have the power but I still don't have the courage to mail him lmao
@hollylaufeyson Yeaaaa I actually do. I am still building up my courage to mail him.
Guysss I published my new book - Drivers License- Tom Hiddleston ff , go give it a read (((:
Hiya guys. Um I was tested positive for covid-19. So did my whole fam, including grandparents, uncles , mum , dad , sis , etc etc. Pls pray. Worst thing here- can't have my fav foods. :')
LOKI WAS CRYING!!! NOTHING HAS BEEN BROKEN LIKE MY HEART SO FAR...... And superheroes crying in every series became a trend I guess. PS I wish I could ask the tva to take me and show all the episodes of Loki at once
Heyy, thank you for adding Losses and fights to your list. i hope you'll like it!❤
Guys my peternal grandpa died this morning. Please keep him in your prayers. I'm sorry if I don't update for somedays cause I am going to isolate myself. Sorry.
@Foreverhiddles There are no perfect words to tell you how sorry I am for the loss of your grandfather. And there's no need to apologize, real life must take precedence. So do take care of yourself, no matter how long it takes. Sending you positive vibes and comforting thoughts to help you through this difficult time.
@Foreverhiddles You go ahead and take as long as you want. I'm sorry about your grandpa, mine died last year and it really sucked. Stay strong, sadness doesn't last forever!
New things always results as loki. I dyed my hair green on the previous color which was golden on my black hair. Now half of the green faded so it sums up green+golden+Black= LOKI
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