Hi there! You really live in Japan! That is awesome it's been my dream to go and see Japan ! And you speak very good English! I myself am trying to learn Japanese. :) I like some anime too and I write some anime stories you should check it out when you have time
Hi there! Wow you live in Japan! That is awesome it's been my dream to go to Kyoto! And you speak very good English! I myself am trying to learn Japanese. :) I like anime too and I write anime stuff on my profile. Also your profile picture is so cute. :)
Ah thanks the offer. But I'm taking lessons already, if I get stuck I'll be sure to come to you for advice. ^_^ and have you ever visited any temples in Kyoto?
@TastyWords16 Thank you and kyoto is an amazing place to be it's very nice there, my oba and itoko live there, i would also love to help you learn japanese if you want