
Hey guys... I just want to say sorry... I've been really busy with school and such honestly have no idea when I'm gonna update but I have half of the next chapter for crumbling done so it shouldn't be too long. I'm trying to balance all of my past times and school and it's a struggle. Thanks everyone who is still with me 


Literally like 5 projects busy


Hey guys... I just want to say sorry... I've been really busy with school and such honestly have no idea when I'm gonna update but I have half of the next chapter for crumbling done so it shouldn't be too long. I'm trying to balance all of my past times and school and it's a struggle. Thanks everyone who is still with me 


Literally like 5 projects busy


Uh... So my book is actually getting reads... So I'm gonna try to update. I've just had no times with stuff and my counselor is trying to get me to go to the psych ward so that's fun... But I promise I'll update soon... Love you all! <3 


Thanks for all the votes on my story dude! It means so much to me. :-)


You have a very good taste in music then 


Haha np! You chose good quotes and you attracted me with bands I love so I can't not vote! :) 


TBH im back, no BS this time im actually gonna buckle down and write as much as i can but idk how long i will have since i have an english paper but this story im gonna be writing, its not going to be super happy and cheery in fact it will be a little dark and depressing but will really make you be like, "damn that was oddly good" (or so i hope) but either way it will really mean a lot to me if you just check it out because im using my own personal experiences in this but they may be bent a little to go along with the story.