
Hello Everyone
          	So Recently I've been getting alot of messages asking when will be the next update,
          	And I'm so sorry for being so late.
          	But recently my sister had a baby she had to be kept in hospital for nearly 2 weeks because of a lot of complications, but she's okay Now. After Discharge, she stayed in our house for 1 week and a lot of relatives came and visited her know Indian Things...
          	During all these I didn't get any time to write
          	But the next update will be on 5th of February
          	Thank you for being so patient
          	Love y'll ❤️❤️❤️


Hello Everyone
          So Recently I've been getting alot of messages asking when will be the next update,
          And I'm so sorry for being so late.
          But recently my sister had a baby she had to be kept in hospital for nearly 2 weeks because of a lot of complications, but she's okay Now. After Discharge, she stayed in our house for 1 week and a lot of relatives came and visited her know Indian Things...
          During all these I didn't get any time to write
          But the next update will be on 5th of February
          Thank you for being so patient
          Love y'll ❤️❤️❤️



Heya fellas, I'm so so sorry for leaving my story like this.
          I was so busy in my recently. I had my exams internals and then also Viva
          Then I also had to spend some quality time with my family
          I really didn't have time to continue with my story
          But now I'm back
          With Weekly updates
          And The next update us on Saturday 
          Be ready 
