
Okay, so some news. Some people are going to hate me for this but whatever. I'm taking away my books. For good. So yeah... thanks for having read them though. It means a lot to me. 


Hey guys. I'm publishing my books again but I won't update for a while. I will soon but not for a bit. Thanks 


You're lucky I almost gave up and deleted 


@SadEyesSeenHell I swear if you never uploded wild again I would have dieded


Can we all please take a moment to realise how serious suicide is. A girl in my school killed herself this weekend. I didn't know her but when I was told about it, it came as a big shock. Because that's the third death I've heard about in the space of four days. R.I.P to the girl and I'll be thinking about her family through this tragic time. Please. Please guys, if you or someone you know is going through a terrible time call for help. Ask for it. Please. Because it's serious and needs to be taken care of. Don't be ashamed to ask for help if you need it. Please. Everyone take care of yourselves and stay strong. The world may be really cruel this year but just hang in there. Don't let this world beat you down. I love you all and I hope everyone will get through whatever they're going through. 
          -SESH stay strong x


I'm going to stop writing for a while. You're all probably gonna plan my death at this stage cuz' I've taken loads of times off writing and it's always for the same reasons. Personal. And I'm also going on hoildays next Tuesday for two weeks so I'd be inactive anyway during those weeks. I'm not sure when I'm going to start again. This isn't because, for example, that I've run out of ideas or because I've lost interest in writing or because I'm lazy. I love writing and trust me I'd have totally given updates if it weren't for the fact that I hate myself. So let's all just l forget about my books for a while and don't be waiting everyday to see if I've updated... Not that you do that anyways because I doubt anyones that excited about my books, lol. So yeah... Sorry guys. But I promise this isn't the end and yeah you've all heard it before. Thanks. And yeah, don't kill me please. 
          Love ye.
          -SESH x


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
GUYS! I'm so sorry! My mom is using her laptop for her wedding stuff so I'm unable to update SIMT. I could use my phone but the layout turns out shit and I don't want that to happen. Again I'm sorry :'( 
          Also I'm changing my Wattpad name to I'mAWalkingHazard just a heads up :)
          Love yous...
          -IAWH x


Today is both a sad and happy time. :): I lost something very precious to me. My hair. My long hair. I now have short hair. So short that I can only wear it in a ponytail. Barely. I can no longer do braids or messy buns. R.I.P long hair. I am happy with my new hair but at the same time sad that I have lost so many styles. Ladies and gents make sure your really sure you want to lose your long hair. It can me good because its a new style but bad because you lose other styles. So just know what you want. Like moi. Love ye. xxx


@SadEyesSeenHell It would be an honor to make a smol(you) pineapple *sniff* neva forget *clutches heart looks up and shakes head *


@RescudeGull13  Thank you Pawn this is a very emotional time. It means alot to know you have it in your thoughts.... *sniff sniff* Thank you.... And please do try to make a pineapple... I just need it one more time *cries*


@SadEyesSeenHell ...when I see u I will attack u and try my best to do the best pineapple ever...Rest,In,Hair.....a moment of silence for nayaz fab hair...she bullied it but loved it...called it names but loved killed it but still till this very moment loves and always will love it R.I.H


Alright so. I mentioned this in my book Wild but I'm just mentioning it again for those who maybe don't read Wild or whatever. I have certain days when I'm going to update my books. 
          Wild: Monday and She Is My Tragedy: Thursdays otherwise if there's a day I can't update I'll make it up to you by updating the next day if I can or whatever. Anyways thank you all so much for reading and hope you're having a nice morning/day/evening/night. Love yee
          -SESH x