
QUESTION TO THE AUTHOR: "I've heard rumors about an upcoming court case or legal proceeding of some kind which may possibly be involving you --  can you tell us more about rumors and general information regarding this topic?"


AUTHOR's ANSWER: How certain are you really? 
          Do you perhaps realize that a word, or group of words which are not in prose can have one, two , or even more meanings or links associated?
          Do you not realize that what seems to be a direct reference to a specific individual may not, in fact, be the way you think it is upon further reflection or with new information gleaned? And do you have a sufficient understanding of how to navigate between what an "implication" means versus what an "inference" means, and do you know how to properly differentiate between them (at a high school reading comprehension level, at the very least)?
          Sometimes a poem is just a poem, and when it comes to artistic integrity, I am a firm believer that art is able to be expressed into the greater world around us and disparate individuals are then thereafter freely able to derive individual interpretations or meanings of the art in whichever way they so choose. 
          Art, to me personally, is *usually* not something that is like an algebraic equation which has the ability to be boiled down to a specific 1 or 2 answers when observed by a bystander.  Be human about it.


QUESTION TO THE AUTHOR: " I am very certain that I know *exactly* whom you are referencing in this line X of this stanza Y , and,  I am also very certain that I know exactly what group of people X whom you are making reference to in stanza Y of line Z , and I am incredibly concerned or offended at this... (insert rest of the question here) ?"