
Hey guys. I think I owe you an explanation.
          	Before anyone panics, let me get this out of the way- Shadow Rift IS NOT CANCELLED. In fact, the final chapter is already written and beta-read (everyone clap for my bestie who did that).
          	But I definitely had a noticeable absence from Wattpad, with no Shadow Rift update in the near future like I promised you there. I’m sorry about that. Here’s what happened.
          	The unintentional hiatus was thanks to a few factors:
          	-Some of the factors that allowed me to write Shadow Rift and make the art so quickly have been changed (hyperfixations, free time, opportunities, etc.)
          	-I forgot Wattpad existed for a good chunk of time. I wish I could joke about this, but I genuinely have not opened this website for MONTHS despite being active elsewhere.
          	-I’ve been suffered intense burnout in regards to Shadow Rift and have just now been overcoming it.
          	The main reason why is because of the art. The art is not yet finished for the chapter. That is because I am drawing it in AHiT’s storybook style, which is difficult for me to replicate, frustrating, and ambitious. However, it is about halfway done despite the troubles I faced.
          	I hate to ask this of everyone, but you must continue to be patient. I can’t set a time frame for when the last chapter will come out- I’ve learned my lesson when it comes to scheduling- so I can only ask you to wait. I know it’s annoying, I’m sorry, but the whims of art block are not for me to control.
          	Thank you for your support.


@SadgePerson OK!! That's fine, I totally understand and I'm sure everyone else can agree too!! It's better for it to come out when its ready, not to be rushed, y'know? Anywho! :3 Hope you don't burn yourself out or stress TOO much about it! Til then we will all be patiently waiting. Just glad ur OK, y'know? And that it's not cancelled!! <3


I have given you my new discord five times or five different strings of messages, so I'm actually getting concerned, like have you forgotten to send a request, or just never looked at those messages twice or what 


@73brobrahski It had a Bendy and the Ink Machine profile picture, which I think was your old one.


@SadgePerson what exactly was the pp of the account you sent the invite to


@73brobrahski Sorry for the confusion!
            I am no longer able to open my old Discord account, since I was scammed. That is why all of your messages have gone unanswered.
            However, I have sent a friend request to the discord you gave me from my new account. It has yet to be accepted. I should’ve been more forward about this, sorry.


following up the discord conversation there's some sort of hack going on which forces a ban, that happened to one of my friends then that message probably was sent to you


@SadgePerson screw it my name is thearabhouse.


@73brobrahski yeah um I already fell for that. It’s too late now. I had to make a new account.


Hey guys. I think I owe you an explanation.
          Before anyone panics, let me get this out of the way- Shadow Rift IS NOT CANCELLED. In fact, the final chapter is already written and beta-read (everyone clap for my bestie who did that).
          But I definitely had a noticeable absence from Wattpad, with no Shadow Rift update in the near future like I promised you there. I’m sorry about that. Here’s what happened.
          The unintentional hiatus was thanks to a few factors:
          -Some of the factors that allowed me to write Shadow Rift and make the art so quickly have been changed (hyperfixations, free time, opportunities, etc.)
          -I forgot Wattpad existed for a good chunk of time. I wish I could joke about this, but I genuinely have not opened this website for MONTHS despite being active elsewhere.
          -I’ve been suffered intense burnout in regards to Shadow Rift and have just now been overcoming it.
          The main reason why is because of the art. The art is not yet finished for the chapter. That is because I am drawing it in AHiT’s storybook style, which is difficult for me to replicate, frustrating, and ambitious. However, it is about halfway done despite the troubles I faced.
          I hate to ask this of everyone, but you must continue to be patient. I can’t set a time frame for when the last chapter will come out- I’ve learned my lesson when it comes to scheduling- so I can only ask you to wait. I know it’s annoying, I’m sorry, but the whims of art block are not for me to control.
          Thank you for your support.


@SadgePerson OK!! That's fine, I totally understand and I'm sure everyone else can agree too!! It's better for it to come out when its ready, not to be rushed, y'know? Anywho! :3 Hope you don't burn yourself out or stress TOO much about it! Til then we will all be patiently waiting. Just glad ur OK, y'know? And that it's not cancelled!! <3


Guys I’ve forgotten Wattpad exists I’m so sorry
          To my Wattpad-only followers, here’s the progress I’ve made:
          The last chapter of Shadow Rift has been written, edited, and beta-read. All I need to do is finish the art.
          I’m pushing myself to get the art done before January 1st hits, but I’m not sure if I can promise that. It’s a large art project that, quite unfortunately, I would much prefer to procrastinate on. So we’ll see how that goes. Hopefully it’ll be published by the end of the year!
          In the meantime, happy holidays!


@SadgePerson Awesome! Just like everyone else said. Don't stress yourself out haha even I haven't been on here so I wouldn't know even if you HAD posted it! XD


Don’t overwork yourself!!! 


@SadgePerson dont overwork yourself man! take your time. itll be amazing bro like all your writing is so damn good


          HAPPY PRIDE!!!


Happy pride!!!


Also a weird thing to put on my pride post!! I'm not on the last chapter, there are still a handful left <3


Weird thing to say on my pride post but! I haven't started writing any oneshots yet; I've had severe writer's block on the project for my friend, but recently I started making progress! It might be a while


Uh yeah so!
          No chapter this week! I got completely overwhelmed and burned myself out </3
          It might have to be every two weeks for a while. I promise I will try to update as frequently as possible, but I have a lot of stressful things to prepare for.
          Ackkkkgh sorry! But Life got me


@SadgePerson take your time don't stress about it


Take all the time you need! There’s no rush to getting quality chapters out <3


@SadgePerson Please don't stress yourself DP!!! We will wait as long as needed for the chapters, just please don't overwhelm yourself with them.


What do you guys think about me moving my oneshots to a separate fic?
          I'd basically just copy and paste them from the Masked fic to a different one here on Wattpad, and it'd have a collection of those.
          It won't clutter up the Masked fic! And god is that long enough already.
          It'll be the same exact oneshots.
          It'll make the Masked Cinematic Universe LOOK like it's larger without it actually being larger until updates >:)
          It'd delete all your comments :(
          Any feedback? Thank you if you do reply!!


@SadgePerson No preference! That gives me another chance to blow up your notifications... Buuuut I'll have to read through the comments to make sure I don't lose any lore lmao


@SadgePerson  idc those comments are probably stuck in your heart forever 


@SadgePerson I like the sound of it! :D


Hi guys! Back from vacation!
          I can't promise an update this week, because I might need a little time to recover. Minor things just like sunburns and jetlag can throw me off.
          We'll see how things go. I'm letting you all know so you're not too disappointed if there's not an update this week.


@73brobrahski Oh, very different!
            The original fic didn't have much of a plot, so I'm making sure to pay more attention to specific themes, plot points, etc. The og didn't have an alpine arc, Elliot didn't get cursed, etc.
            The main gimmick with Elliot and Snatcher sharing a body was different, too. It was just Elliot, but when he took off the crown he'd slowly become angrier and crueler (the intention was more like Snatcher). He'd go back to normal once the crown was back on and forget.
            I'm taking out and replacing a few scenes that didn't make sense, adjusting things, and making sure everything is coherent. The og Shadow Rift was messy at best.


@SadgePerson how different is the shadow rift remake then the of


Oh, heads up for the others who didn't see what I wrote in Shadow Rift!
          For spring break I'll be out of town, so I won't be able to update next Wednesday. However, the one after that I'll be back, and hopefully I'll have time then to write and make the art!
          Sorry for the inconvenience! But I hope you guys have a good spring!


@SadgePerson well, everytime you reply it's like 3-5 am for me, and you have yet to have spring break but yeah I guess it's to personal for wattpad


@73brobrahski That's kind of a personal thing to ask, no?


@SadgePerson wait you have yet to have spring break what school you go to 