
Chapter 2 of ZERO is now available to read! I hope you enjoy, and be sure to give feedback!
          	xo Sadie


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Dear friends and writers on Wattpad, I am back.
          I am very slowly getting ideas back for Boys Suck and Atelophobia, as well as some other stories. You know, sometimes deleting the app for a while works wonders on writers block.
          My first order of business is to take Boys Suck and Atelophobia off hold and create myself a writing routine again. Then, I'm seeing how things go from there.
          To those on twitter, I recently created a twitter account if you're interested in my daily life and such. Follow my twitter @ theamazingsadie.
          Hopefully I can get a warm welcome back to Wattpad and I can hopefully get that writing mojo back that I once had, even if I decide to go back to fanfiction... 
          xo Sadie


Apologies for being extremely inactive as of late dear readers. I have been so for three reasons;
          • school - I am taking my first GCSE in three weeks time. I am trying to focus my energy on revising and trying my hardest to get the best possible grades I can. At the mo, science and maths seem to be my weak spots. However, they are improving slowly.
          • writers block - it has hit me hard and gosh darn I am stuck
          • YouTube - as of late I shifted my attention on getting my YouTube channel all up and running. I jumped on the bandwagon of being a YouTube gamer, like PewDiePie or TheDiamondMinecart. For those of you who are interested in subscribing to me, my YouTube is here ➡
          I apologise my sweet readers. S. J. Hobbs shall be back in writing mode as soon as I get ideas. For now, both stories are on hold. If you require me, PM me.
          xo Sadie


As Easter Break fast approaches, I have mixed up my update schedule for the next two weeks. This Thursday is when the newest update shall be and (if I can get the laptop going) Friday I shall change up the cover for Boys Suck. Then, during the hols, Friday to Wednesday shall be my writing days ready for a new update on Thursday. This begins on Thursday. Have a nice rest of the week everyone!
          - Sadie


New plan of action regarding updates (you might wanna listen to this!!)
          So, because the laptop where all my writing is seems to be treating me horribly at the moment, I have resorted to writing via my phone. So, for this week and probably the following week as well, I will be writing on my phone.
          What does that mean for my update schedule? It means from Saturday-Thursday I shall be writing out the newest update ready for release on Fridays. Chapter 6 of Boys Suck is already at 500 words, so, by Friday the next chapter should be out.
          Hope you all understand, and, if you have any queries or questions, do contact me via my PMs and I will hastily get back to you.
          - Sadie


Having a major technical difficulty in that my (well, my stepdad's) laptop isn't working with my new TV which means I literally cannot see it working on my TV screen (long story) so I don't know if I can update tonight. I was uberly looking forward to it as well!!
          - Sadie


I officially suck at updating. Life's just been very, very annoying for me, and, I'm struggling to sort various things out as of late. However, writing has always been my second escape, so, who knows? 
          If you are all lucky enough, you'll get updates tomorrow.
          - Sadie