
New chapter is up and I'm just now beggining to get back on track with everything. I have some ideas yet all opinions are welcomed. I'll be expecting to see messages from you- would love to get to know you people. 
          	My regards and love to all of you!


@SadisticSinnerrr please finish  "RUGGED AND DIRTY" it's really a good story..


@SadisticSinnerrr when will you be finishing"rugged and dirty" ?? 


New chapter is up and I'm just now beggining to get back on track with everything. I have some ideas yet all opinions are welcomed. I'll be expecting to see messages from you- would love to get to know you people. 
          My regards and love to all of you!


@SadisticSinnerrr please finish  "RUGGED AND DIRTY" it's really a good story..


@SadisticSinnerrr when will you be finishing"rugged and dirty" ?? 


It is crazy how many of you continued to support me after my absence. If only I could thank each and every one of you in person. 
          But since I couldn't possible do that, I want you ALL to know that I am so happy from your support that I decided to get my butt back on track and focus on my writing. 
          Any ideas on Rugged and Dirty would be highly appreciated since I can't quite decide on where the story is going. 
          I love you all so very much, you people are amazing. :'D


Sincere apologies to all my beloved followers and readers of Rugged and dirty. I'm a huge as*hole for not uploading a new chapter. I haven't realized the love you people had to that storyline plus I didn't have access to a pc for a good ammount of time. I PROMISE I am just now beggining to write the next chapter of our beloved storyline. 
          Thank you ALL for your love and support and I'm sincerely sorry for not givving you people a next chapter for SUCH a long time. I love you all from the bottoms of my heart you are amazing! Each and every one of you!


@crazereyes I hope it wasn't too long, even though I actually now it was xD I am honestly setting this book as my priorities and along with watching supernatural I'll be writing as much as possible x'D Hope you still enjoy it. Welcomed will be any ideas of how the story should continue or thoughts on what could change or what could add up to the story itself. <3


I'm back... :D


oh... WHAT?! O.O 
            eeerm... well you're retaking it so no worries... much. 
            *0* gooood that's goood


Ah I failed my exams dear and now I'm re taking them and I just felt the need to write once again and repost my Rugged and dirty book with a whole new chapter :D