
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
          	I hope you're spending it with your special someone, friends, family, or you're just hanging out
          	Represent hopeless romantics! Woooo!!!


So my Algebra 2 teacher is one of the track people
          And she mentions George's doppelganger and how appeantly he has merch
          Which is crazy
          But it's because the college he is going to makes merch of their top athletes
          His ex who cheated on him and used him for money sat two seats over from me and talked about who he's dating
          I can't get away from he


Tell me why I want to see a DreamTeam "What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me" animatic
          I saw a Helluva Boss Sins version of the song, and I fell in love with it
          Here it is:
          And like, I'm sad there's no Dream Team related one
          Sapnap makes a perfect Rainbow Dash
          George would be best as Fluttershy
          Dream so fits Pinkie Pie
          BadBoyHalo really surprisingly fits Apple Jack
          And Skeppy fits Rarity enough
          Then, have Karl being Twilight
          Like, what the frick! That's immaculate!