
Geez I haven't been on here since the end of June. With the start of a new school year and everything falling into place, I've FINALLY updated Southern Ways again!! Yay!! Hope y'all enjoy it and expect a lot of updates and a conclusion to this first story soon!


@Saerosember,  Glad to see you writing, again.  Look forward to next installment.
          	  Keep up the good work.


Geez I haven't been on here since the end of June. With the start of a new school year and everything falling into place, I've FINALLY updated Southern Ways again!! Yay!! Hope y'all enjoy it and expect a lot of updates and a conclusion to this first story soon!


@Saerosember,  Glad to see you writing, again.  Look forward to next installment.
            Keep up the good work.


Hey y'all. Sorry I haven't updated Southern Ways in a while. I've been finishing up school, working, and traveling so much, all on top of a bad case of writer's block! But thankfully, I *finally* figured out how I'm gonna continue this story, and I promise a ton of new (eventful & longer!) chapters are coming soon! 