

          	  That’s alright!
          	  I still publish my poems here in candid heartstrings book 
          	  But I’m planning to keep a separate book for depressing poems for myself (even tho published here) to read 
          	  Feel free to read if you’d like to 



            That’s alright!
            I still publish my poems here in candid heartstrings book 
            But I’m planning to keep a separate book for depressing poems for myself (even tho published here) to read 
            Feel free to read if you’d like to 


Hey Guys
          What’s something that helps you go through tough time?


@Saffy_saffron no no i meant animations lol for yt


            Does making videos of you crying, counts?


Which book would u prefer me to write a chapter on?
          im back but not really that much into writing anymore or even writing poetry. But hey ik thats what some of you would prefer me to do so here i am. which one?


@Sjjdchjska um yes i am also curious as to what will happen next but take u're time too.NO NEED  FOR A RUSH!


hi wating for a soon update please.
          And how was your exam?
          hope so good.


hey ,
            sorry for late reaply too the book i am wating for an update is If Only It Was Ment To be.
            And no need for rush take your time


@rachel120gmailhhsdg3 Hey!
            Sorry for a late reply, I logged in today
            so which book would u prefer me to update first?


Hiya READERS (Only)
          So well I updated 'If only it was meant to be' 
          And I can try to start writing the next chapter but because i have exams and a family, the next update maybe Either in june or in september october. But I'll try to complete this year. Its been too long right?


Hey y’all 
          I hope you all know that wattpad is going to take down the pms forever now
          Honestly, as my bestfriend said, “an end of an era” is what this is. First the newsfeed and now the pms too, wattpad is digging its own grave in terms of destruction and desolation.
          It used to be so fun and amazing here, living in our own new world, far better than reality.
          The people I met here, they created a better world and made me believe it’s possible. Wattpad was an escape for many of us and I know that maybe not all would agree that taking down the pms is equal to watty destruction 
          But for me it is
          Through the newsfeed, conversation board and pms, I met people who are sweet, crazy, weird, non judgemental, friendly, and FREE TO BE THEIR TRUE SELVES, having a whole new world in them, believing in sharing happiness. 
          Ik this sounds like an ideal world
          It was
          That’s what wattpad is to me. Or was to me. Everyday a new adventure, friends randomly popping by, congratulating on number of followers As a means to check upon you and see that you’re comfortable here, reading the ‘randomness book’ to be involved in your life, making u feel that even if you’re gonna talk “nothing” they’ll be here to listen


@The-Resilient-Saffy Man you really hit home right there- gosh, now I'm having this sudden rush of all my memories on watty. I swear I'm really gonna miss this app with all my heart


@The-Resilient-Saffy dang girl same I was so mad about the removing the pm thing like wattpad in itself is already shamed enough with the amount of weird cliche books it has but now it's digging it's own grave disappoint the users that actually like this app and make friends here, it's so sad but guess it's an end, I can't believe it's been 3 years since I joined this app (although it feels longer lol) I made many new friends, some I talk with even now and I really miss that period of my life when I had 2 real life friends and many online friends (it's better that way for me idk why lol)


@The-Resilient-Saffy I can totally relate, I met so many awesome people here who supported me. I had so much fun here God dammit, but I guess everything has an end..I don't know why Wattpad is doing this but I guess this is it. 