
Hey y'all... Hop on over to and send me a friend request. I will keep y'all updated there as to where I'm going with my books and when chapters are posted. I need all the support I can get from my fans. Come on now, flood me with friend requests. No one will be denied. :) I just decided to catch up with the times and create a facebook page. Where's the love???


Hey y'all... Hop on over to and send me a friend request. I will keep y'all updated there as to where I'm going with my books and when chapters are posted. I need all the support I can get from my fans. Come on now, flood me with friend requests. No one will be denied. :) I just decided to catch up with the times and create a facebook page. Where's the love???


Hey ya'll... Renegade Girl is up and RUNNING!!  Twenty Five Chapters up so far, and about 10 chapters to go. Should be completely posted by early next week if not sooner. Please be sure to head over to my facebook page (I am behind the times and just created one) The more fans I have as friends, the better. love y'all for your continued support.


Writers block be gone!!! I have officially uploaded the first chapter of my new book, Renegade Girl (it is a werewolf book). I have the entire book written, and will post  new chapter every few days. Please be sure to let me know what you think. It feels great to be back!!!!


*reads status* 
          So times you jsut need to find the right inspiration. I started writing when I was 12 but the stories were really bad and I couldn't get past a few chapters without giving up. It took a few years to find the right kind of inspiration and now look at me. 
          4 finished books and working on the next best book. I hope that you wont give up on yourself because I defiantly wont.


Thank you for spending some of your time reading As Long As She Lives, I'm so happy you liked it, I hope it calls you back to read more :) 
          I saw your post about maybe giving up writing and I understand the frustration, and that dreams change, but I just wanted to share something with you which is my favourite piece of advice from a published writer, maybe it will help :)
          Maybe it was your childhood dream, but it's not a childish one. Unlike the aging footballer, writers can only improve with age as long as they are reading and educating themselves. Frankly, just the fact that you are trying to assess yourself honestly puts you above many, many unpublished writers (and some published ones!) 
          Of course if your dreams really have changed then that's another thing but don't forget you can always write just for your own joy :)