
My parents and I were watching TV and an ad came on that immediately opened with "Are you 50 or over?" 
          	My mother hid her face and my dad flipped off the TV.
          	I love my parents.


@SagieSonie my mom would look at me and my siblings, knowing damn well we'd tease her. My dad doesn't watch tv so I don't know how he'd react


My parents and I were watching TV and an ad came on that immediately opened with "Are you 50 or over?" 
          My mother hid her face and my dad flipped off the TV.
          I love my parents.


@SagieSonie my mom would look at me and my siblings, knowing damn well we'd tease her. My dad doesn't watch tv so I don't know how he'd react




Alright since no one else will say it I'll say it 
          The Sims 4 is getting worse.
          Now argue in the comment section 


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@SagieSonie LIKE DEADASS, I paid for shit in that game, you can't be serious


@H_Kiyoko @LifeIsSHINEE Thank God I'm not alone.
            And also the whole Origin/EA App switchover thing like???? Wdym you want us to stop using Origin and use your incomplete gaming system instead??


On a sadder note from the previous post...
          I was just informed that two near-myrders occured at my local high school.
          It is also worth noting that I have friends in that high school who were affected and I would have been in that high school myself if it wasn't for the private school I ended up attending.
          We truly need to invest in public school systems and fix the (at this point) institutionalised ableism, chronic underfunding, mental health issues and bullying that results in these behaviours.
          Moreover, we need to give support to the students who do not have the resources to go anywhere else.
          I hope and wish that the people affected are doing okay. But not the perpetrator, obviously, they tried to kll someone.


@SagieSonie that's sad, i hope everyone's doing okay *pray*